I Am Not A Fan … But That Has Nothing To Do With Anything


I am not a fan … but that has nothing to do with anything.

As I sat in the church service this past Sunday, I looked around and reminisced how much church services had changed over the years. I paused to thank God that I did not allow myself to get stuck in a time warp where “church” is concerned.

There were a lot of things going on in that church service that were different from the way things used to be. Quite frankly, some of them are not things of which I am a fan.

I am not a fan of:

  • Bright flashing lights and the “holy smoke” machine
  • Loud music, with a hymn rarely being sung.
  • The coffee bar, especially being opened while the service is in progress.
  • Shorts and tees for attire.

Nope, I’m not a fan, but that has nothing to do with anything!

I am in a church that has all of the above and then some. As an older woman, I could spend a lot of my time disdaining what is happening in church today! Bring back the good old days!

Actually, all the above things are matters of preference, not matters that make an eternal difference in lives. It’s easy to get stuck in time, and not be open to what God is doing NOW. I am not talking about changing the truth of scripture. The Word is unchangeable. What people wear and sing can change.

As I looked around my church home, I saw hands lifted in praise to God. I saw lots of young people and young families very involved in greeting, parking, nursery, kid ministry, worship leading, ushering and a host of other things. I watched people give their lives to Christ at the end of the service. Those are things of which I am a HUGE fan!

Let’s be careful about bad attitudes. One must be cautious not to become joyless and critical.

Yep, I miss some of the things from the good old days, but I want to be in what God is doing right now! I don’t want to be so stuck in yesterday that I can’t move forward as the Holy Spirit speaks and moves in new ways. I don’t want to become an old wineskin that cannot receive the fresh wine of what God is doing right now. I want to draw near to the heart of God and join Him in the new thing(s) He is doing.

It’s simply not about being a fan.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19

5 thoughts on “I Am Not A Fan … But That Has Nothing To Do With Anything

  1. I am determined also not to be trapped in ‘what was’ Keeping my eyes on the goal…My desire is to be on the edge of Revival and what He is doing …I lay down my preferences often….you get cold and bitter if you do not…It is about Jesus and His Word.

  2. Good word, Barbara!! This is so important not to get ‘stuck’ and helping our Brothers and Sisters to realize this too – it’s so hard for some and unfortunately it does cause them great distraction and a critical spirit! The Word of God must not/can change but our methods will and have changed! We’re in a similar type church but God is so moving and working in lives and all the pertinent involvement in the area, we’re living in, and around the world is significant – many opportunities for involvement in helping people ‘meet’ and ‘know’ Jesus are happening!! Keeping our focus on Him, loving others and letting Jesus shine in us and through us has nothing to with my being a ‘fan’ of ‘how’!! Our prescence, our prayers, our interaction/involvement, with all Godliness, will give us influence! Let’s don’t lose our opportunity to be a part of a cross-generational move of God!!

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