It Must Be True! I Read It On Facebook

59687_173221299493033_20182026_nI definitely have a love-hate relationship with Facebook.  On the one hand, I love having the ability to quickly get in touch with old friends, new friends and family.   On the other hand, I am not a fan of the endless boxes of sayings causing Facebook to now look like a field of billboards.

However, the thing that drives me  silly crazy  at times, are posts that are continually re-posted as fact  and are fiction.  Rather than take the time to dig a little and see if the things are true, people just mindlessly repeat what they have been told by another.   Below are a couple of examples, but I won’t put the whole post to save space.

  1.  To all my FB friends, I want to stay PRIVATELY connected with you. However, with the recent changes in FB, the public can now see all activities in any wall. This happens when our friend hits “like” or “comment”, automatically, their friends would see our posts too. Unfortunately, we cannot change this setting ourselves because Facebook has configured it this way. Only you can do this!!! …. FALSE
  2. EVERYBODY SHOULD READ THIS!!!!!!!!! WARNING: Some knew about the red light on cars, but not Dialing 112.   If an UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on dial 112 to check authenticity.  I never knew about the 112 Cell Phone feature.     Speaking to a service representative at Bell Mobility confirmed that 112 was a direct link to State trooper info. So, now it’s your turn to let your friends know about “Dialing, 112… NOT TRUE and might actually cost you valuable time or harm.    In the USA you must dial 911.

I could go on and on with amber alerts, toxins in your refrigerator, posts about the First Lady, etc.   The interesting thing is that once in a while the claims are true.    So how do we know what is true and what is not?  It simply takes a little digging.

This so translates over to the Christian realm.  Over and over phrases, words and slogans are passed off as truth from God’s word and they aren’t truth at all.   We are living in serious times and we need to know what the Bible says.    How do we separate truth from fiction?  It takes a little digging ON OUR OWN and not just repeat what a preacher or friend said.

 Here’s truth:

Romans 10:9-If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Philippians 4:19-And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:37-39-No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.  And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.

How do I know these words to be truth?  Because I did a little digging and found that God Himself had the words penned for my benefit and my victorious living.  Stop depending on others to break it down for you.  Yes, there is a time to listen to a sermon, read a devotion or read a book, but that must never replace digging for truth ourselves.

In the above reference about dialing 112, the sad thing is if a person is in danger and they follow this, it  could cost them valuable time or even their lives – all because people continue to repeat what is not true.  Too often we believe the lie rather than  dig a little to find the truth.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”  Hosea 4:6   SELAH

Through The Desert


I have been to Arizona and California many times.  While on those trips I drove through some real deserts.   While in Egypt I traveled through one of the largest deserts I have ever seen.  I know there are some people who love the desert but I am not one of them.  It is desolate, dry, sandy terrain, and hot, hot, hot!   This goes on for miles and miles and miles and miles!  Did I say it goes on for miles?  Amazingly at night, cold winds will often blow.  One can enjoy snakes, scorpions, lizards and all kinds of lovely creatures.  Ah, the desert – such an appealing place!  Not really, but on my journey to a destination I found myself in desert places.

Some of us are walking through the desert right now.  Oh, we are not literally walking on hot sand and encountering snakes and scorpions, but we still are in a desert place.   Perhaps you are in a dry, hot place with occasional cold, miserable winds.  It goes on for miles and miles and miles and seems to never end.   It can be such a lonely place.

In the Bible there are many who experienced the desert or wilderness including Jesus Himself.  I seriously doubt any of them volunteered to be there!  Yet, over and over, these great men and women of faith allowed their deserts to become defining moments in their lives.  God spoke to them in the desert!   God sustained them in the desert!  God provided for them in the desert!   God used the desert to prepare them for even greater use!   The hard place became a God adventure for them.

Do I want to be in the desert?  NO!  But, God certainly allows it from time to time.   When we find ourselves there, trust Him that it will become a God-adventure, a place where He will meet you, a place where He will speak.   Trust Him to make it life changing and spiritually empowering.   Allow the Holy Spirit to make it a defining moment of growth.

You will walk out of the desert one day.  How do I know? The Bible says “They were not thirsty when he led them through the desert. He divided the rock, and water gushed out for them to drink.”  He led them THROUGH.  He did not leave them there.

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11

I’ve Been Hurt

530231_179581688856994_333658795_n“No one is likely to experience real church life without times of hurt, disappointment, or rejection. Those who overcome these by growing in love, patience, forgiveness, etc., can make huge strides forward in their spiritual lives. Those who allow hurt, frustrations, or disappointments to dictate their courses will likely go from defeat to defeat, shipwreck to shipwreck, until they resolve to be over-comers instead of being overcome by these things.”  – Rick Joyner

If you are in a local church, and I hope you are, you will experience both joy and pain at the hands of other believers.  Raise your hand if you have been blessed by others in your church.  Now, raise your hand if you have been hurt by or disillusioned with others in your church.   When we experience the hurt part, there is a tendency to run and never darken the door again!

I know many people who have turned away from the church after painful experiences.  I understand, more than I wish I did!   Yes the church is filled with brokenness and imperfection, but I  am still  convinced that the local  church is the primary means of forming believers and setting them on a pathway to spiritual maturity.

I must admit that I have been hurt by the church and I have hurt people in the church.  I’ve tried to learn from my mistakes and be a healer and not a “hurter”.

Be careful about assigning to God the “mess-ups” of His children.  God did nothing to you, people did!  Don’t give up on the church!  Please don’t.  I think there are many grace-filled, caring, loving and forgiving people in most churches. Seek them out. Spend time with them. If you have really made an effort, and cannot find them, then find another church.   God thought the church was a good idea.  I want to be a part of anything that has been blessed and created by Him.  Don’t give up on the Church!  Even God is often pained by its behavior yet He doesn’t give up on His  Church and for that I am grateful!

It Might Be Time For A RE-MINDER

166730_182789265202903_1206918220_nI love dividing words to really grasp their meaning.  Words like nothing, NO THING.  Nothing is impossible with God – and NO THING is impossible with God.  Today I am focused on remind, RE-MIND.  Our thoughts lives can wreak havoc on so many levels.   As a child of God, when our minds are bombarded by thoughts that do not line up with the Word of God, we must RE-MIND.

When someone or the devil puts the thought in your mind that, you are nobody, it’s time to RE-MIND with what God says. God says you are His child and none of His children are nobodies.   1 John 3:1 (NIV) “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”

When you are tormented with the thought that you are not going to make it, it’s time to RE-MIND:   Philippians 1:6 “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

When your head is saying you have sinned so badly, God is finished with you, it’s time for a RE-MIND-er:  Psalm 103:  “Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons ALL your iniquities…”

When your mind is saying, the doctor can’t do anything else, RE-MIND with Psalm 103:”Bless the LORD, O my soul,  And forget none of His benefits; Who heals all your diseases.”When your thoughts are filled with, “God does not hear my prayers.”  Let’s do a RE-MIND:  Jeremiah 29:12: (NIV) “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.”

What is your mind saying to you today?  The Word is filled with RE-MIND-ers.  It might be time to get the Word of God out and RE-MIND yourself who God is and who you are!

Set The Tone


A young man stepped to the podium to sing a solo in the morning service.   I sat there on the front row, and along with the congregation, awaited a song that would cause us to look heavenward.  Oh boy!  The music was in one key and he was in another.  He left the music way behind and nothing fit together. Instead of causing up to be lifted heavenward, we all wished he would hurry and finish,which he did, way before the background music!

In a conversation I learned that the man loved to sing but was tone death.  He wanted us to be receptive but the wrong tone killed the whole thing.    The problem was not the message but the tone.  Tone has to do with using different elements: volume, speed, pitch of voice, body language and gestures, etc., to name a few.

We are in a time when we have to boldly stand for truth.  BOLDLY!   I refuse to accept what the Bible does not accept.  I understand everyone is not going to like my stand or agree with me. What I don’t want to do is add fuel to the fire by my tone.    We live in a time of too much anger and hostility.  Couples scream and yell at each other.  Politicians berate one another.   Christians “tell each other off”.   Facebook posts are often rudely stated.  People are quick to give the middle finger of fellowship.  Parents declare that the only way their children will listen is if they yell.   (By the way, that is only true if you conditioned them that way.)   God is saying to sing in one key and we sing in whatever key we want.  We have a tone problem.

I don’t want to be an angry, ugly, red-faced, condescending, name-calling, arrogant child of God.  I want to stand boldly for God.  I want to have the best relationships I can.  I want to be a good communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I might be rejected but I don’t want it to be because of my tone.    I want to set the right tone.  How about you?


“A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.” – Proverbs 15:1




I recently spent three nights in a motel in Columbus, OH.  My schedule made it necessary to arise and shine early each morning!  I would go down to the breakfast room at 5:30 to get my anointed cup of coffee and read over my message.  There were two women who stocked the breakfast area, and they told me their day started at 4:30.   As I watched hotel guests eating breakfast, very little thought seemed to be given to these women.  It was not a “limelight” job.  God spoke to me to bless them daily with words of thanksgiving and praise and I did.  The last morning I felt God leading me to bring them a gift of thanksgiving.  As I placed it in their hands, I thanked them for a job well done.  I thanked them that I had fresh coffee so early in the morning.  They begin to grin and you could almost see their shoulders lift up.  I could see them in the back room, and as we say in the south, “they were tickled pink!”   I honestly think I was more blessed than they were.

We often think of great ministries or ministers as those who stand up front, those in the limelight.  I have certainly known great men and women of God who have gifts requiring them to stand in the limelight.  But, there is a ministry that is so needed in life today, and it’s a great ministry that all of us can do.  Don’t even take a spiritual gift test to see if you have it!  It is the ministry of EN-couragement!

Everyone, from babes to senior citizens, needs EN-couragement. To EN-courage is to put courage into someone. To DIS-courage is to take courage out of them.   You don’t have to go to seminary to have a great ministry!  Be an EN-courager!  Today speak a kind word; tell someone you appreciate them; say thank you to your boss; tell that nurse how much you appreciate her care;  tell a child how glad you are God made them; post on someone’s Facebook  complimenting them.  If you will look around today, you will have many opportunities to have a great ministry – the ministry of EN-couragement.

Show the love of God by being an EN-courager.  Make a point of putting courage into your spouse, your children, your friends, the clerk checking you out at the grocery store, the teller at the bank, the single parent and countless others.  Be a blessing today through .  Go out of your way to do it, and one wonderful thing that happens, is that in blessing others you will be blessed yourself.

“The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life …”  Proverbs 10:11

What we receive from scripture is like this:


A famous actor was once the guest of honor at a social gathering where he was asked to recite favorite excerpts from various literary works. An old preacher who happened to be there asked the actor to recite the twenty-third Psalm. The actor agreed on the condition that the preacher would also recite it.

The actor’s recitation was beautifully intoned with great dramatic emphasis for which he received lengthy applause. The preacher’s voice was rough and broken from many years of preaching, and his diction was anything but polished. But when he finished, there was not a dry eye in the room. When someone asked the actor what made the difference, he replied, “I know the psalm, but he knows the Shepherd.”

Good Friday? Really?

300158_180911218724041_1500398596_nGood Friday … that’s what we call it.  However, I seriously doubt that the first followers of Jesus would have called it good.  They would have called it bad, very bad.  Let’s remember that you and I have the Bible to show us how the story ends, but the original followers really did not comprehend what was happening.   They had followed Jesus for three years with such hope about what the future would hold for them, the things Jesus would do.  On that Friday over 2000 years ago, their hopes were dashed and their dreams were were laid in a tomb.  For them, that Friday was a tough and discouraging day.

Perhaps you are facing a bad Friday on this Good Friday.  You might be facing illness or joblessness.   Maybe you feel defeated or you are experiencing heartbreak, grief, rejection or disappointment on this Good Friday.   Your head knows it is Good Friday but your heart wants to scream, “It’s really bad Friday in my life!”    That is what the disciples felt on that first Good Friday – they felt darkness and sorrow.

Why did they feel darkness and sorrow?    It is because they did not realize that Sunday was coming!   It wasn’t over yet.  God would take the worst day in history and cause it to become the best day in history.

There are times when the candle of life seems to have been blown out, but God will cause it to shine again.  God will have the last word and He will often shock us by taking the worst day in our lives and using it as a turning point to bring us new life.  Your life is not over.   God has plans for a future and a hope for you.   How do I know this?  Because it’s Friday, but Easter is coming!

Christmas – Joy or Despair?


I want a perfect Christmas – you know what I mean.  The Christmas where everyone comes home, the children and grandchildren are all here and everyone gets along perfectly with no aggravation from anyone.  The house is trimmed from one end to the other with trees, twinkling lights, and mistletoe.   Below the beautifully decorated mantle, a cozy fire is blazing in the fireplace. Christmas music fills the air.  Underneath the tree are presents, each perfect for the receiver and beautifully wrapped.   Filling the air is the fresh aroma of a perfectly cooked meal.  The turkey is moist, the casseroles delicious, and the merriment plentiful.  On the table is everyone’s favorite, many made from recipes that have been handed down for generations.    The children even eat their peas before asking for dessert. Laughter fills every room!  After consuming the huge meal, all the men insist on doing the dishes while the women sit and chat.   (After all we are told men fellowship better when involved in activity.)

In actuality many of us will have an imperfect Christmas.  There’s the person that won’t be at the table because of a family argument, a divorce,  a wayward child or an unexpected death.  Fewer gifts are under the tree because of unemployment.   It’s obvious in the faces of the recipients that the gift wasn’t exactly what they had in mind.  It’s an imperfect Christmas.

The first Christmas began when our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was born, and it was about as imperfect as they come.  In our heads we have a vision of a perfectly clean baby in a perfectly clean stable, with streams on light beaming down to soften the whole picture.   That is beautiful but that is not reality.

Joseph and Mary left Nazareth traveling eighty miles to Bethlehem to pay their taxes (that alone makes it a very imperfect Christmas!)    They couldn’t hop in their SUV, throwing everything in the back, and drive to Bethlehem.  It was a foot journey.  We see pictures of Mary on a donkey, but we don’t know for sure that she rode on a donkey for any, none or all of the trip.  The Bible doesn’t say how she got to Bethlehem.    One thing for sure, it was not an easy journey.  After His birth, the baby Jesus was laid in a manger, a feeding trough for animals.  I’m sure Joseph cleaned it and did the best he could, but it certainly was not what they envisioned for the baby.    It was not a beautiful, sterile nursery laden with blue curtains and stuffed animals.  If the baby was indeed born in a stable, the animals smelled terrible as did the environment.   Of course we love the song, “… and little Lord Jesus no crying he make.”  Please!

It was a less than perfect Christmas for Mary, Joseph and Jesus, but for that I am thankful.  Jesus Christ, the King, was not born in a beautiful palace with all the perfection afforded to a king.  He was born in a lowly, imperfect environment.  It would be hard for me to identify with a king in a palace, but I can identify with One who understands the imperfections of life.

As the Bentons celebrate Christmas this year, we are so thankful for a victorious Savior who experienced imperfection.   We look forward to time with our children and grandchildren and their laughter, but the empty chair at the table stares at us.  Our son Bryan will be missing.   It is painful and it is, at times, so unbelievable.

We have a choice – joy or despair?  I choose joy this Christmas.  Christmas won’t be perfect in human terms of perfection, but Christ the Savior is born.  He meets us at places of imperfection and pain.  He is the reason for the season.  He is the joy to the world.  His presence and sacrifice make Christmas perfect in the midst of imperfection.   Silent night, Holy night … Christ the Savior is born.   Merry Christmas to all and please don’t allow the imperfections of this Christmas to ruin your day.  When that temptation comes, just sing it with me … “Away in a manger, no crib for a bed, the little Lord Jesus laid down His sweet head.”    Christmas, joy or despair?  Choose joy.

Twenty-One Days of Prayer for the Elections and the United States of America

Day 1:  Pray for those in authority.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.  “Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.”  1 Tim. 2:1-4. Pray for God’s guidance in the election process; that He will place men and women of integrity into positions of influence to seek guidance and protection for our nation in the years to come.

Day 2:  Pray for truthfulness to come forth in the campaign. Father God, You love truth and are displeased with lies. Grant a spirit of truthfulness in the elections, particularly on the part of all media. Grant a spirit of fairness and honesty in the reports created by all members of the media, and give discernment and wisdom to citizens as they seek information from the media. Let people not be gullible but to be discerning about the truth. — Proverbs 12:22 The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.

Day 3: Father, remind your people that the same hands lifted up to You in prayer are the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth; that the same eyes that read Your Word are the eyes that read the names on the ballot, and that they do not cease to be Christians when they enter the voting booth. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” Psalm 119:105

Day 4: Pray that Americans would understand and heed the fact that our nation’s strength comes from God, not from ourselves. “I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1-2

Day 5: Pray today for voters in the United States, that wisdom will be sought from God (If anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask God is willing to give wisdom. James 1:5). Self-interest will be laid aside for the common good. Discernment between truth and falsehood will be clear.

Day 6:  Pray today for the election and its impact on the world, that voters will consider the foreign policies of candidates and how they fit with biblical principles, the activities of other nations will not have an undue influence on our elections, the result of U.S. elections will serve to spread the gospel around the globe, the U.S. will stand firm in its commitment to Israel’s right to exist as a nation.

Day 7:  Pray today for the purposes of God to be accomplished in the U.S. elections:  Pray that the U.S. will turn and seek first the Kingdom of God.  Pray that God will be honored in the midst of this election campaign. Pray for opportunities for Christians to share their faith and their values in the midst of this election process. Pray that the results of the 2012 elections will please the Lord and release His blessing over this nation.

Day 8:  With all the upheaval against the USA and her embassies: O Lord, I humbly pray that You direct the leaders of this great nation now in this time of crisis. Grant them wisdom and understanding, and help them to respond quickly and effectively to this situation. Direct them that they may do what is right in Your sight. May they follow Your Divine Will to lead our nation on the paths of peace and safety.  O Lord, I pray that You encourage and strengthen our nation. Surround us with Your Love and Mercy! Bring peace and comfort to all those who are suffering as a result of this crisis. In Jesus’ Holy Name. Amen.

Day 9: Father, You are the rock on which this nation was founded.  You alone are the true source of our cherished rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Reclaim this land for Your glory.  We ask you to move by your power in this nation and let revival winds blow.  Awaken your church to live in righteousness and take seriously the things of God.  Remind Your people that true happiness is rooted in seeking and doing Your will.    God start the work in me.  I open myself up to the voice and move of  your Spirit.    In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

Day 10:  I thank You for making me a citizen of this land of freedom and unlimited opportunity.  I thank you that the USA was founded on Christian principles and ask you to return us to those principles. Let winds of revival and true Christian living come to me, my church and this country.  Send forth your Spirit to this country, Father.  We are desperate for You. Amen

Day 11:  Pray today for candidates for office in the United States, that they will take brave stands for righteousness, even when it may not be well received; their families will be protected from harm and unnecessary scrutiny; they will surround themselves with godly advisers  they will focus on the issues we face as a nation and not on personal attacks on other candidates.

Day 12:   “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3) Pray that the American people will awaken to the fact that it is our responsibility to act, and to vote!! If we desire to see our nation restored to its true foundations, it is up to us to pray, and to take action! Amen.

Day 13: Pray that repentance would become a lifestyle, so that we are each quick to come before the Lord, confessing our sins and forgiving each other, where needed. (2 Chronicles. 7:14) Pray that we would be quick to forgive our enemies, for they know not what they do.

Day 14: Father, You promise to bless us with rejoicing when righteous leaders are in charge. We ask for godly leaders who will bring joy to those they lead. Do not allow any wicked persons to gain office in this fall’s elections, but only those who will honor You. –Proverbs 29:2 (When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan.)

Day 15: Father, guide us to pick properly as we vote for those who are running for election. No matter what polls say, I pray that you will have the final say in every election. Lord not our will, but Your will be done. I pray protection for the man that will be President and his family that no hurt, harm or danger come nigh them. Father, heal the rifts in this country. Cause us to be courteous and respectful to each other. May You be honored in our choices and attitudes. Amen.

Day 16:  Our Father, we praise You for Your goodness to our nation, giving us blessings far beyond what we deserve. Yet we know all is not right with America. We deeply need a moral and spiritual renewal to help us meet the many problems we face. Convict us of sin. Help us to turn to You in repentance and faith. Set our feet on the path of Your righteousness and peace.

We pray today for our nation’s leaders. Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it. You have said, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” May this be a new era for America, as we humble ourselves and acknowledge You alone as our Savior and Lord. This we pray in Your holy name, Amen.   (penned by Billy Graham)

Day 17:  Father, I pray for the upcoming debates between the presidential candidates and the vice presidential candidates.  I pray that the debaters will be truthful and if they are not that it will become evident.  I pray that the man who is to be president will begin to shine forth and there will be a swaying of votes in his direction. We ask that you bring forth the best leader for this country.

Day 18: Pray for the voters who will cast ballots in the elections. I pray that people will go to cast ballots and not stay home.   Pray  that voters will know and correctly discern the true character of each candidate on the ballot (in both the primaries and in the general election). Pray that they will choose wisely, each one being led by the Spirit of the Most High God.

Day 19:  I take up the Sword of the Spirit today.  I bind the spirit of lies and loose the spirit of truth throughout this election cycle.  I bind lies, deception, dishonesty and distortion.  I bind any occult spirits that may be in operation.  In the name of Jesus and by the Spirit of God, I loose truth, honesty, integrity, and ethical behavior.  I know you have all power, O God, so allow truth to come forth.  I ask that the people you have chosen will shine forth.  Amen.

Day 20:  O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord,  not only of individuals, but of nations and governments. We thank You for the privilege of being able to organize ourselves politically.   Thank you for our freedom.  Father, keep us conscious of the fact that our loyalty to this nation does not have to mean disloyalty to You. We thank You for your law, which our founding Fathers acknowledged and recognized as higher than any human law.  May we vote without grumbling but with faith that you are in control of the nations and the future.  I pray that our nation will vote correctly.    We ask for Your influence.  Amen

Day 21:  Pray today for the purposes of God to be accomplished in the U.S. elections. Pray that the U.S. will turn and seek first the Kingdom of God. Pray that God will be honored in the midst of this election campaign. Pray for opportunities for Christians to share their faith and their values in the midst of this election process.  Pray that the results of the 2012 elections will please the Lord and release His blessing over this nation.  (penned by National Prayer Committee)