Great sorrow has been my friend as I have watched the videos and pictures of the devastation caused by Harvey and Irma. I have seen video of the hurricane and earthquake in Mexico. I’ve watched as over a thousand were killed, and thousands displaced because of flooding in India. And, wildfires are plenteous in the west. I have more questions than answers as a Christian. Being truthful.
Some “prayed the storms away” from their dwelling, yet the same storms destroyed another family’s home, and they also prayed. Innocent children in poverty-stricken areas are suffering.
I am so very grateful for those who were spared ruin and devastation. I am also so very heartbroken for those who had a different outcome. Some of them were friends, good devoted Christian friends.
Let’s be honest, sometimes we have no answers. I do not embrace that one area had more faith or favor than another. We don’t have the answer to the why, except that we know we still live in an imperfect world.
I am a woman of faith. I was a woman of faith last week; I am a woman of faith this week; I will be a woman of faith next week.
I have no words to give that will mean much. In times like these I can only let His words speak. Oh, God, we are speechless. We have no words from man’s perspective. So we speak Your Word:
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.” – Psalm 116:1-2
“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” – Nahum 1:7
Father, we thank You that You hear our cries, and that Your mercy will be at work.
Amen, I believe God knew where it would go from the beginning. We did not. All we can do is trust him at all times for purpose behind all things, events, etc. Hard word, nevertheless true. But did cause people to look to him and cry out for others.
Thank you, Barbara. The “eternal perspective” is not always easy to accept but I think it is truth nonetheless. The “how, why, and when” questions are tough when we have no answers, but ultimate trust in the goodness of God works for me.