Beep … beep … beep. As I backed out of my garage, I had a lot on my mind. The radio was playing. I was checking my GPS. Beep … beep … beep. The sound was definitely there, but I was oblivious to it. The warning was loud and clear, but I just kept backing out of my garage paying little attention to the beep … beep… beep. Suddenly the sound was rapid and loud. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! The next sound was a CRASH! I had backed my nice car into my husband’s nice SUV. My car was programmed to get my attention to alter my course, but I did not pay attention.
As we walk with the Lord, there are times He steps in to alter the course we are following. There are many ways God can send a beep … beep … beep. He can speak to us as we read His word. He can speak to us through another person or a song on the radio. He can allow a meeting we were excited about to be cancelled. There can be a change in circumstances. Someone else got the promotion. God, at times, does send us a message saying, “Alter your course.”
“The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps” (Proverbs 16:9). As humans we should make plans, but we must always ask God to guide our steps and change our plans when He sees fit. There are times that God has to redirect our steps because the path we are on is not in alignment with His will. When this happens, it is easy to get angry or agitated. It is easy to think things are falling apart when they are actually falling into place to line up with God’s best. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by God, but so are the stops of a righteous man! Pay attention to the beep … beep … beep that heaven sends. God is always out for our good. ALWAYS.
Are you going through a beep … beep … beep right now? Stop and ask God if He is sounding an alarm to change course. What might seem like an annoying sound in your ears could be an interruption from God bringing a different opportunity. Some of those interruptions could be clothed as unique opportunities from God. An opportunity from God is always better than a CRASH! Trust God when He interrupts your plans.
“Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.” – Proverbs 19:21