While sitting at a busy intersection in Florida, I was shocked at what I saw. Across the lane from where I was, there was chaos, screaming, and yelling. An elderly gentleman was in his car and a young woman was pounding on his window and yelling for him to get out of car. While watching this incident unfold, I actually spoke out loud even though I was alone in the car. “Why is she being so hateful to that man. Road rage is totally out of control. When I get through this red light, I’m going over there!”
Everything changed in the next few minutes. I noticed others gathering around the car. Someone opened the door and pulled the man out and moved him away from the vehicle. Then, I saw smoke billowing out from under the car. This was not a case of road rage. This was a case of saving a man’s life. The story had a totally different ending than what I had written in my mind.
When we find ourselves in situations that seem dire, it is easy to immediately go to the end of the story – the end that we have determined in our own minds. BUT GOD! God has the remarkable power to change the ending of the story.
The Bible has quite a few stories that illustrate for us that “obvious” conclusions can change when God is involved. Let’s look at a very familiar story that painted a picture of obvious defeat as its conclusion.
Our story is found in 1 Samuel 17. The Israelite army faced a foe that would surely bring defeat. Goliath stood more than nine feet tall, wore armor that was about one hundred twenty-five pounds, and wielded a huge sword which was tipped with an iron spearhead that weighed fifteen pounds. For forty days this giant of a man taunted the people of God day and night. The king and David’s brothers told him to go home for he had no chance to defeat Goliath. As David walked into that situation, all those watching thought, “Pull the curtain, this opera is over!” The conclusion is already etched in stone! David with just a sling, some stones, and the power of God demolished this man who was probably twice the size of David.
What situation is taunting you day and night and has been for a while? Do you hear its voice taunting you over and over, and it appears that the situation will bring a dark conclusion? The adversary of your soul wants you to assume the worst possible conclusion. He wants you to resign to inevitable defeat, throw up your hands, and give up.
Take heart, child of God! The same God that guided a stone to slay a giant can change the ending of your story. You walk with the same God who made a highway through the Red Sea when the presumed conclusion was defeat. You serve the same God that watched as the enemy taunted the followers of Jesus as He hung on a cross. They heard the taunting, “It is over!” I have a feeling that God flashed a smile in heaven and said, “Oh, it is over alright!”
Rejoice, child of God! If you belong to God and have surrendered your life to Him, He is the author of your story, not you. You serve a God who can rewrite endings. Take the pen out of the devil’s hand and put it back in God’s hand.
“…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. “ – Hebrews 12:2. “Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:6