As I whipped out my TJ Maxx gift card to pay for items for my home, I was so excited. I was standing in line to pay and thinking how tired I got of putting in work to get that card. I am a bargain hunter. Any more out there? I love to get the best deals possible. More than once I have told myself that if I were a millionaire, I would still be a bargain hunter.
There are three online programs of which I am a participant and all lead to a reward. I participate in Ibotta, Fetch, and Stocking Spree. (I know you wanted to know!) I have gotten several hundred dollars in gift cards from Ibotta, Stocking Spree, and Fetch. All of them require me to put a little work in to get my reward, but Fetch is the most difficult. It takes a long time to get that reward.
Almost daily for the past year, I have faithfully put in the work required by Fetch. Even though it only took a few minutes a few times a week, I wanted to quit at times! I wanted the rewards, but I was tired of the daily grind without seeing the reward. When I got that gift card and could get free items for my home, I was happy. I endured till the end and my reward awaited me.
As I walk through this life with God, there are times that I am ready for the reward. Faithfulness requires doing some things over and over. Praying over and over. Studying the Bible over and over. Being a part of ministry over and over. Sometimes, when you do it over and over without quickly seeing a reward, there can be the temptation to stop being faithful. Have you ever felt that?
I know we are in an hour where we are fighting back darkness, and at times it seems darkness is winning. Do not believe it! As has been said many times, we have read the end of the book and we win! God is working in ways that we do not see to fulfill every promise He has given to His people. God hears every prayer that you have prayed for that family member. God sees everything that you have done in His Name to minister to others. God will bring a harvest from all those Words that you have read and spoken over others. Don’t stop now! The reward awaits you and it will be worth the wait!
It will be worth it all when we see Jesus,
Life’s trials will seem so small when we see Christ;
One glimpse of His dear face all sorrow will erase,
So bravely run the race till we see Christ.
“Do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that he has promised” (Hebrews 10:35–36).