Put The “I” Chair In The Attic

Our first grandchild Madison Benton turned twenty years old in July. Her birth brought so much joy and ushered in a great era for us. Being grandparents is something we enjoy beyond description.

After Madison was born, we bought a highchair to use during her visits. Because Madison matured and grew, the chair eventually found its way to the attic. It was almost eight years before other grandchildren began to arrive, precipitating the chair to be moved from the attic back to the kitchen. Our young, immature grandchildren required a highchair.

It was funny to watch those boys and girls as they sat in the highchair.  In actuality, it was more like an “I” chair. While in the “I” chair, those babies could be very demanding. I remember feeding them and fulfilling their “I” chair desires. I have watched them sit in the “I” chair crying, mouth wide open, demanding food immediately! If the child liked what I offered, all was pleasant. If I offered something the children did not like, they would try to swat it away. My precious grandchildren demanded what they wanted, when they wanted it – and if they did not have their way, they let everyone know it. Their behavior was understandable because they were just babies; however, the day had to come, and did come, when the grandchildren matured beyond the “I” chair.

The most dangerous spiritual chair a person can sit in is the “I” chair. It is the chair that negates the will and Word of God. It is the chair that says I will serve and obey God when I choose. It will be on my terms. If I do not like part of His Word, I will swat it away. If God or the Church crosses me, I will scream unless I get my way. I have a right to do whatever!

Yet, nothing could be farther from the truth of the Gospel.

There must come a point that we outgrow the “I” chair. We are not our own. We were bought with a price. We belong to Jesus. We are His purchased possession.  When a person yields to the lordship of Jesus Christ, he or she acknowledges His ownership and gives up personal rights.

It is time to put the “I” chair in the attic. 

And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” – Mark 8:34

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