Taking The Lord’s Name In Vain – It’s More Than “Cussing”

If you were raised in a Christian home with Judeo-Christian values, you have probably been told not to say certain words because that is taking the Lord’s Name in vain. I was not raised in a Christian home, so no one cared how God’s Name was used. My husband Gaylon, on the other hand, was raised in a strict Christian home. Certain words that were not actual “cuss” words were definitely punishable! They were taking the Lord’s Name in vain.

The third of the ten commandments listed in Exodus 20:7 is, “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.” Although many people believe taking the Lord’s name in vain refers to using the Lord’s name as a swear word, there is much more involved with a vain use of God’s name.

My personal belief is that Christians should refrain from the use of vulgar profanity which is so widely accepted and used today. Social media posts are shocking to me, at times. “Cussing” someone out would surely fall under the categories listed in Colossians chapter three – anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive language (Colossians 3.8). Please, people of God, guard your words, and let them represent Christ. Saying, “Oh my god!” when someone makes us mad is a misuse of God’s Name. Let us remember that “Hallowed is His Name.”

The word “vain” in Exodus 20:7 means empty or hollow. You shall not take the Name of the Lord in a hollow and empty way. In other words, don’t profess the Name of the Lord and live a life that is empty of Christlikeness. If you live a life filled with hatred, immorality, greed, lying, envy, and a host of other things, and continue to profess being a follower, that is taking His Name in vain. It is the issue of living a hypocritical life. Once I become a Christian and take on His Name, I am to live a life worthy of that Name in word and deed.

When I married Gaylon Benton, I took his name. After fifty-three years of marriage, I still try to honor my husband’s name through my actions. I am faithful to him. I show honor to him. I walk together with him. His name caused me to walk a life that reflected our union.

As a professing Christian, I am to walk a life that honors the Name of the Lord. The name of the Lord is holy, as He is holy. The name of the Lord is a representation of His glory, His majesty, and His supreme deity. We are to esteem and honor His name by letting our lives revere and glorify God Himself. To do any less is to take His name in vain.