What Good Is It Anyway?

If you have read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, you will find many stories of the life and ministry of Jesus. Other than the resurrection, there is only one miracle that all the Gospel writers record, and that is the feeding of the five thousand.

In reading the account of the feeding of the five thousand in John’s record, there is a verse that stands out to me. “Then Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up. ‘There is a young boy here with five barley loaves and two fish. But what good is it anyway with this huge crowd?’” – John 6:8-9

When Andrew saw what could be offered for Jesus to use, he pretty much asked, “What good are these anyway? Have you ever asked that question or thought that question?

  • What good is it to keep praying for my child when nothing seems to change?
  • What good is it to give food to the hungry when they come back over and over?
  • What good is it to put gas in the car of a single mother when her needs are much greater than gasoline?
  • What good is it to be honest when I see so many dishonest people prosper?
  • What good is it to present the plan of salvation, when so many reject it?
  • What good is it to continue to offer a helping hand when the needs are so much greater than I can meet?
  • What good is it to stay sexually pure when everyone else seems contented living any way they wish?
  • What good is it to pray when nothing seems to change?
  • What good is it to be hope-filled when current events show so much hopelessness?

It is so easy to ask, “What good is it anyway?”

BUT…I read to the end of the story. The story ends with Jesus taking the little that was offered to Him, and with it, He did much. No one fathomed that the little would do so much when placed into the hands of Jesus. Everyone was fed and there were even carryout baskets!

God delights in making much out of little. He loves to defy human reasoning, so that when things happen, it is evident that God’s power is the only explanation. The scripture is filled with stories of God’s power using little to make much. As the old song says, “Little is much when God is in it!” Even though we see examples of this truth throughout Scripture, we often fail to trust it personally. 

Perhaps you have the same question as Andrew. What good is this little anyway? We cannot begin to fathom what God will do with the things we entrust to Him. We have just entered a fresh new year. What a great time to pray this prayer. Join me.

Jesus, I do not feel like I have much to offer, but I offer what I do have. I offer a voice of prayer, hands to serve, hope to give, blessings to the needy, and a witness to the lost. I ask You to take the few resources that I do have, as small at they might seem in my eyes. I place myself, my gifts, my resources, and my faithfulness in your hands. Lead me in places for your Name’s sake. Multiply what I offer and let it change lives for Your glory. Let this be a year of multiplication in my life that will enlarge the Kingdom of God. Amen.

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