Choose Kindness

Gaylon and I set out on our trip to Baton Rouge to visit my son’s family. We are mostly around grandsons, but now we would be spending the next few days with giggly, energetic, jewelry-loving, makeup-loving girls. Quite different from the young guys we see more often.

We stopped in Meridian, Mississippi to refuel our car and get coffee to sip along the way. Glorious coffee! Can I get an amen!

While preparing my coffee, I began to hear loud shouting which soon elevated to ear-piercing levels. I turned to see what was happening. A customer stood at the counter telling the worker how to prepare the sandwich she was ordering. Let’s call the worker Bev.  Bev explained to the woman that in order to get certain items on the sandwich, there would be an upcharge. This made the customer livid.

Within a matter of seconds, the customer began to scream at Bev in an extremely loud voice. The people in the store stopped in their tracks and placed their attention on the episode happening at the sandwich counter. The customer got so loud and so angry that, like others, I wondered if it would become a physical altercation. The language being used by the customer was so vulgar, so demeaning, and so hurtful.

After a couple of minutes of rage, the customer stormed off, leaving Bev quite shaken. There were others waiting for food and no one said a word. Though I was not getting food myself, I stepped up to the counter and said to Bev, “I am so sorry she spoke to you that way. You did not deserve that. Thanks for trying to do your job.”  Bev, who was still shaken, looked at me and said, “Thank you.”  She then burst into tears. No one else said a word to Bev.

The customer wanted what she wanted, and did not care how she treated Bev or how uncomfortable she made the rest of the people. Kindness was nowhere to be found.

Life is full of situations where we have to interact with other people, and we are presented with a choice: how are we going to treat them? Even as believers, kindness may not be the response we care to give to someone, and at times, kindness might require a sacrifice of our own instinct to tell it like it is. I don’t know about you, but I can testify that words laced with grace and kindness are not always the first things that come to my mind! Sometimes, kindness requires a little extra energy from us, however kindness is worth whatever it costs.

Kindness is something for which our world is desperate. With growing fears and anxieties, everyone could use a kind word or gesture. As Christians, God calls us to be the light in the world. The scripture has many verses dealing with how we treat others.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. – Ephesians 4:32. “A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself. – Proverbs 11:17.

Unfortunately, not everyone will treat us with the kindness and consideration for which we hope. In fact, dealing with difficult people is a part of life. Even though we cannot control how they act or treat us, we get to choose how we treat them.

Today, when that customer treats you rudely, be kind. (Bev never lost her cool. I was impressed!) When that store clerk is moving a little too slowly for you, be kind. When your spouse does something that gets on your last nerve, be kind. When someone aggravates you on a social media post, be kind.

I do not know what situation you will face in life today that makes you want to scream or talk down to someone. What I do know is that the Holy Spirit is willing to help us use grace-filled words instead of the first ones that pop into our brains.

May we all pre-decide that because of the lavish great kindness that Jesus has shown to us, we will abundantly pour out kindness to others. We can choose words that will not leave the bitter taste of regret in our mouths, and deep wounds in the hearts of others. Let’s be a rainbow to someone else’s cloud.

Prayer: Lord, I ask you to cultivate the fruit of kindness in my life. Teach me to see others through your eyes and to respond to their needs with compassion and grace. Let my words be uplifting and my actions reflect your love. Help me to be a light in a world that often feels cold and unkind. I want to point others to your goodness through the kindness I show! Please help my life bring honor to you as I strive to follow your example. Amen