There Is Power In Giving Thanks

It is hard to believe that on June 26, 2025, Gaylon Benton and I will have been married for fifty-four years. That is a long time to be married – long enough to remember when we had no gray hair (or had hair), no money, no children, no grandchildren, no money, no pastoral experience, no money, no cellulite, no … fifty-four years is a long time.

Recently, I was pondering the thought of how easy it is to take my husband for granted. I have been blessed to be married to a wonderful, godly man. Gaylon still does his best to help me with so many things, even things I can do without him. I have found myself not saying thank you for so many of those things because I am accustomed to having him do them for me. I am trying to be more conscientious about saying thank you when I see his hands at work on my behalf.

Today’s world is a pretty negative world. There is so much division and complaining. If I am not careful, it is easy for me to fall prey to a negative spirit. Yet, I have so much for which to be grateful.

Never do I want to take God for granted, especially when I see His hands at work on my behalf. I say thank You, Lord God, thank You!

  1. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. “He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. The joy we share, as we tarry there, none other has ever known.”
  2. I have a roof over my head, a warm place to sleep, and more food than I could possibly eat in the next month.
  3. I thank God for the friends He has placed in my life, friends who walk alongside me in times of trouble and laugh with me when I am rejoicing.
  4. I thank God for the gift of prayer. “What a friend we have in Jesus, all our sins and griefs to bear.”
  5. Thanks be to God who has brought me through the hard, very hard places in life.
  6. I thank God for a fresh start. I have failed so many times, and God gives me a new day to start again.
  7. I thank God for worship that ushers me into His presence, often a presence that is as if He is right there in person.
  8. God gives me hope, and I am so grateful He does. When circumstances seem hopeless, I am thankful that there is always hope in the Name of Jesus.
  9. I am thankful for the air I breathe. My lungs are filled with the air provided by God.
  10. Today, I am thankful for the mercy of God that has been extended to me.

I could write pages on that for which I thank God. As I sat today and pondered the goodness of God, my heart was flooded with endless gratitude. He has been faithful and good to me.

May I ask you to join me in a challenge? From now until Easter, which is April 20, practice thanksgiving all through the day. Thank God all through the day. Thank your family. Thank your friends. Thank the clerk in the store. Thank your child’s teacher. When you are ready to blast someone on social media or complain, write thanks.

“In everything give thanks!”

Perhaps, you are in a hard place and wonder, “How can I thank God when life is so hard, when my dreams have died, when those close to me have left, or when I have more month than money?”

Truly, I understand those questions. Years ago, when my husband and I had our hearts crushed, I did not feel like praising God through the pain. It is hard to have a heart of thanksgiving during those moments in life. You might be there right now. Let me assure you that as long as you are breathing and have a heartbeat, there are things for which to be thankful. This comes from the pen of one whose heart has been crushed and stomped upon by life.

The power for thanking God in difficult circumstances comes from focusing on what we have, not what we have lost. It is a “sacrifice of praise.” Join me from now until Easter in counting blessings. How long has it been since you sat down and counted your blessings? There is power in giving thanks.

Count your blessings, name them one by one;
Count your blessings, see what God hath done!

“I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.” – Psalm 9:1-2


Father, I give thanks. Thank You for your endless gifts and love. Help me to see your hand in both the big and small moments of life, and to be grateful for Your constant presence. Help me to practice gratitude to You, to those around me, and on social media. Amen.

2 thoughts on “There Is Power In Giving Thanks

  1. This is really powerful. Amen I started thinking about all the things that God had done for me and is doing for me right now, I am in awe. My heart is so thankful for His love and mercy. He is a good God. He never leaves or forsakes me. He blesses me beyond my wildest dreams. Thank you Miss Barbara for helping me remember to be thankful. You have been such a blessing to me.

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