Pieces Of The Puzzle

Between my speaking schedule, and my visits out of town with family, I can be on the road for quite a few weekends, with little time at home. When I am home, there must be time given to study to get ready for the next trip, time to catch up at home, and time given to spend a few precious hours with family.

This week, I finally ventured out into the Birmingham metro to do a little shopping. I was amazed at some of the things I saw. While I was away, much work had been going on. What had previously been a cleared field being prepared for construction, now had the walls of a building going up. As I got off the interstate, there were no longer signs saying “Work Zone,” for the road and intersection were completed.

How amazing it is that while I was going about God’s will for my life, lots of work was happening without me being aware of it!

This is a great picture of how God is at work in our lives. He is doing far more than we comprehend. He is building things and tending to details on our behalf. There will be times when it seems like nothing is changing, nothing good is happening and there is little hope. BUT GOD … is working behind the scenes. He has never let you out of His sight. He is doing things for your good that you aren’t even aware of. He is working out situations. He is lining up details. He is giving you favor. He is protecting you from the enemy. God is at work!

Child of God, be encouraged today. As we continue to walk faithfully with Him, He is faithful to us. Farther down the line you will look back and see that God was putting all the pieces of your puzzle together.

“And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28 NLT

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