It’s My Birthday And Heaven Is Singing

Psalm 139On September 25, 1951, a baby girl was born into an impoverished, dysfunctional environment.   She was the eighth child in the family, where the oldest was only twelve years old at the time.  The house only had running water in a sink on the back porch, and it only provided cold water.  I can’t even imagine living that way now, but I was that little baby.

Barbara Lynn Wells weighed in at a whopping eleven pounds and eight ounces.  I came home in a training bra and control top pamper, so all my life I have understood the battle of the bulge!  As I get older, I am noticing a lot of changes in the mirror!  I now see little jewels like crow’s feet, gray hair, a spare tire (or maybe a set of them), sagging body parts.  Hey, age takes a toll on this human body.

Life was very tough as a child, very tough.  There was abuse from a very harsh father, who had no idea how to care for or protect his children.  As a matter a fact, his children needed to be protected from him.  Many psychologists might say that little girl, born on September 25, never stood a chance in that harsh, abusive environment.  She would be scarred for life, and never realize her full potential.

BUT GOD!  This small two-word phrase communicates a tremendous message to all who will hear. It is God’s response to Satan’s challenge. It is the bottom line. It is the last word. It is all over but the shouting.  “But God” changes everything!

Today, on this my sixty-eighth birthday, I celebrate me!  I celebrate a God, who said, “This one will be wounded by the mess of life, but she will become my daughter.  She will be born again, and I will give her new life.”  I celebrate my first birth that was ordained by God, and I celebrate my second birth when I was born again in 1969.  Fifty years of new life has rewritten the story of my life

Today, I celebrate my birth!  I believe Heaven is shouting, “Happy birthday, girl!”  God handpicked the day that I/you would be born, and the world would forever be changed.   The day of my birth and yours was chosen on purpose, according to the will of God!

Yes, today is my birthday! On this day sixty-eight years ago, God chose that I would be born.  The older I get, the more I’m grateful to God for another year on earth as child of God, who is healed and whole.  I celebrate another year as His ambassador. My last day here may be tomorrow or twenty years from now—only the Lord knows. In the meantime, I want to make a big deal about another birthday, because it is truly a gift from my heavenly Father.

So, am I sad about being sixty-eight years old?  No, not at all.  I can say that the Lord has been gracious to me. Through His power, I am an overcomer!  I’ve overcome many hurdles in life, won many battles and overcame many fears.  Sixty-eight is a new year offering new destinies to be reached in God.  I can’t wait to see what He has in store.

When your next birthday rolls around, be grateful for that new year that has been given to you.  Celebrate that God wanted you to be born.  Heaven is singing happy birthday, and I love the song!

Thank You, Lord for creating me and giving me an incredible life filled with Your presence.  Thank You that I’ve been able to raise an amazing family that serves You.  My heart is full, and   I am blessed beyond measure!  Thank You, God for birthdays. Each day is a blessing from You.    I pray that this year I continue to grow in the things of the Spirit.   I do not want to be the same this time next year.  I give You this year, and I again surrender my life to the One who ordained that I would be born, and that I would be born again.  Amen

 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13