Influencer or Influencee?

Amazing to me is that we actually have people who make a living by being an “influencer.”  An influencer can persuade other people, for example their followers on social media, to do, buy, or use the same things they do. They get paid or are given free products in exchange for doing this. Sign me up! 

Some business sites have even categorized influencers:

  • 1,000–10,000 followers = Nano-influencer
  • 10,000–50,000 followers = Micro-influencer
  • 50,000–500,000 followers = Mid-tier influencer
  • 500,000–1,000,000 followers = Macro-influencer
  • 1,000,000+ followers = Mega-influencers

Though it is not my cup of tea, the fact is, it pays to be an influencer. How the influencer reviews a product can have a direct bearing on people being interested in the product.

The New Testament is full of “influencers” who gave Jesus a great review. 

In his review of Jesus, John the Baptist declared Him “the Lamb of God,” a statement that heavily influenced Andrew and John. That influence along with an invitation from Jesus to follow Him, caused their lives to be changed forever. They gave Jesus a great review by their words and their lives. John the Baptist, Andrew, and John became influencers.

The Apostle Paul lived a deeply religious life, always playing by the rules.  His first encounters with Christians did not go very well. In fact, Paul led campaigns to destroy Christians, but Paul had a divine encounter on the road to Damascus. The story is recorded in Acts chapter nine. Paul was influenced so powerfully by the Holy Spirit that Paul himself became one of the greatest influencers in the kingdom of God. Paul influenced thousands by setting up churches and sharing Jesus. He is still influencing millions through his writings found in the New Testament. His life left a great review for Jesus. Paul became an influencer.

Acts chapter sixteen tells us of a woman named Lydia who lived in a male-dominated society, yet she had a successful business selling purple cloth. Affluent people would purchase purple cloth, so Lydia must have been well connected for her to be successful in this trade. At some point, someone influenced Lydia to become a Christ-follower. The Bible records that Lydia and her entire household were baptized. She later hosted Paul and his helpers in her home, which made it easy for them to spread the gospel. She had a house church it seems. Her life left a great review for Jesus. Lydia became an influencer.

Thank God for the many influencers whose stories are recorded in God’s Word. They were ordinary people who allowed an extraordinary God to change them and use them.

The question for God’s people today is: are we influencers or influencees? Am I an influencer or an influncee? Who is influencing whom?

God has saved us and has empowered us to become influencers. We read the stories in scripture and too often we forget that these were ordinary people. God uses ordinary people like you and me to star in extraordinary “God stories.”  We get to be in real-life narratives that tell of the life-changing, sustaining work He has done in our lives. My life has been changed by powerful influencers who modeled and taught me to be sold out to Jesus Christ.

Are you someone who is an influencer or an influencee (one influenced by others)? Today is the day to change the mindset of influencee and become an influencer. 

Our Lord and Savior has called us to be the influencers. The values, the mindset, the love we have received from Him are to be used to shape those around us. An influencer for Christ is one who declares, “I am going to give Jesus Christ a great review, by the words of my mouth and the actions of my life.”

The Apostle Paul informed us that we are Christ’s ambassadors. Let’s be loving in a mean world. Let’s be gentle in a harsh society.  Let’s be bold in our faith when we are often encouraged to keep quiet. Let’s make a meal for the one in need.  There are so many ways to leave a great review for Jesus. Be an influencer.

Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.” (Ephesians 6:19-20) “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” (2 Corinthians 5:20)