The Cellar Of Hurts

Recently, I was drawn into watching a family who planted a large garden for the purpose of canning a several-month supply of food. This family dedicated days and days of hard, backbreaking work to tend to the garden, harvest the garden, and prep the food for storage. At the end, viewers were able to look into the storage cellar and see rows and rows of tomatoes, corn, sauerkraut, beans, and many other products. When dinner time came, they simply walked to the cellar and pulled out something to serve.

If we are not careful, we can easily do the same thing with the hurts of life. Pain comes into our world, but rather than deal with it quickly, we keep it around. We slice it, dice it, and let it stew. We stir it, cook it, stir it, and cook it. And too often, in the end, we take the emotion, bottle it up, and store it way down deep in the cellar of our hearts, and pull it out whenever we want, and even serve it to others.

I think of my dear friend “Louise.”  We talked often, mostly by phone but occasionally in person. On one particular day as we talked, “Louise” once again poured out her heart, her hurt, and her anger to me.  Louise was someone I cared deeply about and had known for years. These angry phone calls were getting harder and harder.

Several weeks earlier, someone close to Louise had hurt her deeply through hateful words. Those words did more than hurt her heart, they came close to breaking it in half. I cried with her when she first told me the story. Louise was so heavy with hurt. I wanted to heal her hurt and erase the words that had been spoken, but of course, I could not.

I have a deep concern for Louise. I am certainly concerned about the hurt that was imposed upon her, but even more I am concerned about how it is consuming her. It is robbing her of her joy and continues to fill her thoughts. She continues to make daily trips to the cellar of hurt.

Beloved, continuous trips to the cellar of hurt is not the answer.

Because we live in the real world, there will come a day when you will be hurt, I hope not physically, but your feelings will be hurt. I have been in that place where the pain of hurtful words hits with such force that it feels like it cuts to the bone. It is the kind of pain that leaves us wondering if we will ever be able to have joy again.

It is essential to invite God into the pain, so the healing process can begin. James 4:8 reminds us that when we draw near to God, He will draw near to us. When we invite Him close, He accepts our invitation. He longs to be invited into closeness with you.

People will make mistakes and hurt your heart deeply, but I want to offer you this truth: “God didn’t bring you this far to leave you.” He has a plan much greater than being stuck in hurt. Don’t let someone else’s mistakes make you someone you were never intended to be. Walk in divine purpose.

I have found a prayer that is so helpful when I do not want to get stuck in hurt. When I do not want bitterness to take root. When I do not want to lose the joy of life. Perhaps this prayer penned by Shelley Langelaar will start you on the path towards victory over hurtful words. Pray it daily for two weeks and see healing begin.

“Father God, Your love heals. Your love makes me whole, and it completes me. Forgive me for the offense that I have been holding on to. I ask that You also forgive me for the unforgiveness and bitterness that I have been nurturing deep within my heart. Please bring to the forefront of my mind anyone with whom I have resentment. (Pause and wait on God.) I ask that You forgive me for holding on to them.

Today I am making a choice to let go of all offense, bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. I exchange these for Your love, grace, and Your peace. Please heal my heart from the wounds that have taken residence there. I understand that bitterness kills, and love gives life. Today I am choosing life. I pray that You will bless those who have hurt me and that You will give them whatever it is that they need today. May you continue to lead and guide me as You teach me Your ways. This journey is not always easy, however with You all things are possible. Thank You for loving me and for helping me on my journey towards healing.”

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, whose thoughts are fixed on you!”  – Isaiah 26:3

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