When I got married in 1971, I was truly one of those who had never boiled water! I had zero experience cooking. When it came to the kitchen, I did not know what I was doing!
My husband and I both came from homes where our mothers were fantastic southern cooks. I will always remember my mother’s fried apple turnovers, tomato-vegetable soup, and cornbread dressing, all made from scratch. Gaylon’s mother was one of the best bakers on the planet – caramel cake, pound cake, pecan pie, red velvet cake, multi-layered chocolate cake. My boys to this day still talk about Grandma Benton’s fried chicken.
As a wedding gift, I was given a cookbook which was compiled of recipes from the women of First Assembly of God in Ashford, AL. Many of those women were married to farmers and cooked wonderful food from fresh ingredients. That cookbook is my most-cherished cookbook, especially at Thanksgiving and Christmas. As you can see from the picture, it has been used quite a bit in the past forty-nine years. I have learned when I need help, just go to the book.
Though I am older now, I still find that life presents me with challenges, and I do not know what to do. I often do not have a clear path in a situation, or sometimes I am simply sorrowful in spirit as I look around. When I need help in life, I go to another book that I have cherished for more than fifty years – the Holy Bible, God’s Word.
Like so many others, I have felt the pressure of the year 2020. It has been a year like I have never experienced – COVID lockdown, ugly politics, riots, watching friends go through great difficulty. It has been tough! I have worshiped and I have prayed. One thing I have found that has helped me most is the Word of God.
Since I was unable to travel in ministry, I chose to teach several books of the Bible online. It is amazing how relevant Philippians, Ruth, and 1 and 2 Peter showed themselves to be in this present time. My soul began to grow as my online “students”, and I fed ourselves with the Word of God.
My heart goes out to so many who are in such difficult circumstances. My advice is to open His word, and if you can, do it with friends. You are certainly welcome to join my online studies, and there are many more online studies from which to choose. Open God’s Word! Open it on days when you feel like opening it, and on days you do not feel like opening it. Read it, read it slowly and dwell on the life-giving words. Believe the Word and let it soak deep into your soul.
I am thankful for a well-worn cookbook and a well-worn Bible. Isaiah 40:8, “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” (NIV)