Ho, Hum – The Day After Easter

addtext_com_MDkyNDM5MjA0OAIs Easter over? I mean it is the day after – it is Monday. We’ve packed our churches, hunted Easter eggs, sliced the ham, eaten Cadbury eggs, dressed in vibrant colors, and hailed the resurrection of the Lord as the greatest day in the history of the Church and the world. For many Easter is now over, and it’s time move to the next thing.

How easy it is to move from Easter Sunday to an ordinary Monday, living life as if the resurrection was just an event! We’ll ask others how their Easter was, and then move on to the weather, politics, work, the latest TV show and how irritated we are with people.
Too often we are unaware of the significance of all that we heard and celebrated the previous day. We celebrated a risen Lord who now resides inside of us, giving us power to walk in this life. Yet, too many will continue to fight sin in their own strength, walk through life as if they walk alone, and battle a nagging fear of death and even a fear of life. The resurrection will fade into the white noise of life, making no noticeable impact.

We are not sure what the disciples did on the Monday after Easter. Perhaps they stayed together celebrating the news of the resurrection. Perhaps they laughed, worshiped and Easter joy flooded their day. Maybe they kept a low profile in case soldiers or other religious leaders were looking for them. Perhaps they sat around having conversations trying to piece together exactly what occurred. We can’t be certain of anything that happened on Monday, but we can be certain of one thing: their lives were never the same. The men who had been so timid and fearful were now brave and courageous. They became emboldened to preach the good news, live the good news and in many cases, die for the good news. Easter changed their lives!

Let it be the same for you and me! Do not allow the day after Easter to take away the power, encouragement, hope and celebration that was experienced yesterday. The tomb is still empty and no matter what Monday brings, Jesus is still alive! As you face today, this week and the future, keep the empty tomb at the forefront of your thoughts. There is still real power, hope, victory and confidence because of a risen Savior.

As I reflected on Easter this morning, I found myself asking God to make me soil for the resurrected life of Christ to begin to germinate, grow, come forth. Oh God, break up the ground of my heart and plow me deep, deeper than I have ever been. I long to let the power of new life work within me. God, I don’t want Easter to be an just an event in life, but an event that changed my life.

Don’t let today be the Monday after Easter. Let today be the day that the empty tomb empowered you to be a victorious child of God. Easter is not over, and never will be.

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.” – Romans 8:11 (NLT)

Defining Moments – Who Will I Be?

Defining moments in life can mold us, shape us and direct our lives.

Some defining moments can be traumatic, and others can be incredibly wonderful.   For example, after the first instance of abuse at the hands of my father, my life direction and thought process were profoundly impacted.   For years that event and subsequent events molded me to be angry, agitated and headed in the wrong direction.  These events bred a lack of belief that I could ever be healed, and make anything of my life.

I’ve also had defining moments that were wonderful and changed my life.  Giving my life to Jesus Christ, and going to Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida, was life-changing for me.  For the first time, I was in a stable, Christian environment, and over time I no longer lived in fear.    Marrying Gaylon Benton and birthing three children were defining moments in my life.  What kind of wife and mother did I want to be?

Did those moments define me?  Not really.  How I responded to those moments determined the course of my life.

Because of childhood abuse, miscarriage of my first baby, church hurt and the painful reality of losing a son, I have the right to be angry.  Mix that with other hurts and betrayals in life, and I have the right to live angry.  But, I did not want that to define my life, so instead I chose to give up the right to live an angry life.

At the age of seventeen, I made a choice to follow Jesus Christ, not just go to church, but follow Jesus Christ.   I chose to let that decision define who I would become over time.    I gave up the right to live angry, and allowed God to give me abundant life.  I do not regret that decision for one moment!  Not one!

Moses could have been defined by the murder he committed, but he was redefined by a burning bush experience.   Peter could have been defined by sinking into an angry sea, but he was redefined by the power of the Holy Spirit, and became a powerhouse for God.   Saul could have been defined by his involvement in the killing and persecution of many Christians.  Instead, he was redefined by an encounter with God, and renamed Paul.

What defines your life?  The negative moments?  Those moments do not have to control your destiny in life.    I am so grateful for a God who offers us defining moments, and once you affirmatively respond to a defining moment from God, you are never the same

The Season of “How Long?”

“How long, O Lord? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily?” –  Psalm 13:1,2

No newsflash is necessary for people to know how much I hate cold weather.  Much of the chatter from me during winter is about how cold it is, and the countdown to spring.   I dislike my present season, and my desire is for the next season to hurry its arrival. Yet, the truth is I can’t hurry the next season!   I must learn to live in the season I find myself. I can’t wish away my present season!

No matter how much we try to wish it away or long for the next season, we must learn to live victoriously in the present, until the new season arrives.

God has been reminding me that life has seasons, and that at some point, one season must give way to the next.  Think of how winter becomes spring.  It is not instantaneous. It’s still very cold and then “suddenly” there will be warm day, then back to cold, repeat and repeat.   In time the cold is gone and the warm is present every day. There has been a change of season.

As David wrote Psalm 13, he was on the run from King Saul and found himself in the hard place of losing hope. He was in dire need of encouragement and strength.  Words of anguish filled his heart and then came forth as words from his mouth, as he cried out to God, “How long?”

Are you living in the unbearable days of “How long?”  How long will I be unemployed? How long will my marriage be like this? How long will I have financial problems? How long must I continue to pray to become pregnant?  How long will my child be a prodigal?  How long will I live with this life-threatening diagnosis? How long will I be lonely? How long will my family continue to hurt me?  Our stay in “How long?” can seem “very long.”

You might be in a season that is difficult, the winter of life.  Let me be honest enough to tell you that I have never experienced the winter of life like I have for the past several years.    There has been one thing after another.  At times, I wondered if anything else could possibly happen!   In many ways, it has been the season of “How long, Lord?”    How thankful I am that the words of David can become my words to God.  I can bring my pain to Him.  It strengthens my faith to know that He will bring me through the season of “How long?”

Don’t give up, child of God.  He knows where you are and what the cry of your heart is!  A change of season will come!

Walking Like A Penguin

PenguinIn July of 2017 I missed the bottom stair of a set of stairs and went sailing through the air.  Since I had an audience of five, my pride was definitely hurt, but that was nothing compared to the physical injury.  I had a severely broken ankle,  tibia and big toe.  How I wanted to bounce right back up from that floor and continue my day!  That was not to be.

I can’t count how many times the doctor said, “This is a very severe injury.”   And, he was correct. The recuperation was slow, painful, and challenging.

Our grandson Andrew is four and quite a conversationalist.  Even though it has been six months since my fall, Andrew is rarely with me that we don’t have a conversation about my ankle.   He loves to talk about it.  Andrew lets me know that he can run, but I can’t run because I broke my leg, or he can climb a ladder, but I can’t because I broke my leg.  He does make me smile!

Recently while visiting us, Andrew was ready for lunch.  As I rose from my chair, I stood there a second to get my stiff ankle working.  I headed towards the kitchen, and Andrew said, “It’s hard for you to walk because you broke your leg.  You have to walk like a penguin.”

Penguin?  I really never gave much thought to how I looked when I walked.  I began to pay attention to my walk, and sure enough I could see that I waddled like a penguin.   After surgery, weeks of sitting in a chair with a propped-up leg, physical therapy, and learning to walk again, I was walking like a penguin!   I did not want to walk like a penguin!

From that day forward, I began paying very close attention to my walk.  I realized that I had let my wound, and the fear of more pain, cause me to walk like a penguin.  I began to concentrate on my steps.   I began to work at walking healed, like I walked before the wound and pain took up residence.

It has been almost a month since that conversation with Andrew, and I no longer walk like a penguin! Occasionally, if I’ve been on my foot too long, there is a little limp, but I don’t walk like a penguin!  Walking healed also revealed that it was more painful when I walked like a penguin.

Thank God Andrew spoke into my life!  Andrew caused me to realize that the wound was healed, and it was time to walk again!

It is so easy in life or church to be terribly wounded causing excruciating pain. Sometimes we might have to sit it out (withdraw) for a while, so healing can take place. God allows that for the purpose of healing, but it was never meant to be a permanent situation.   It’s very inviting to permanently allow wound and pain to be our master.  God’s plan is that healing be our master.

Thank God that Andrew Benton spoke truth to me!  Thank God that I responded!  It changed my walk.

Who do you allow to speak truth to you? We all need people who will speak truth, in love, to help us walk in healing and wholeness.   We all need loving accountability partners.  Accountability is not a negative term.   An accountability relationship is simply one in which two or more believers prompt each other to grow closer to the Lord.  This can be accomplished through questioning, challenging, admonishing, confessing, and encouraging. The purpose of this relationship is to help each other grow spiritually.

Child of God, be careful about allowing pain and wound to direct your walk.   Trust me when I tell you that penguin walking is more painful than learning to walk healed.

Thank God Andrew spoke. Thank God I listened.

God Will Bring You Through


Six years ago, on February 11, 2012, Gaylon and I got a call that no parent wants to receive.    I remember watching my husband as he received the news, “Your son went into cardiac arrest and we were unable to resuscitate him.”   The pain in Gaylon’s face and voice were beyond description.

For the next few days, it was as if time stopped. My mind played and replayed that phone call, hoping it was just a bad dream.  How is it possible that  Bryan would never meet his unborn son?  How would Christmas be the same?  What will Mother’s Day and Father’s Day be like?

There is the marvelous joy of knowing that we can be reunited with loved ones who have gone to be with our Lord.  Yet, there is the depth of pain and sorrow that we can’t physically touch our loved ones or talk with them. You wish you could say, “I love you!” just one more time.

Grief is a personal, intense journey that all of us will experience at some point.

The scripture tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:55, “O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”  I believe God’s word, and though death does not sting, emotional bees will swarm around those of us left behind.  As a Christian believer, I was able to rejoice that Bryan was with his Heavenly Father, but as a mother, my heart was crushed.

Circumstances can change so quickly.  Life hands us difficulties we don’t understand and can’t explain. All of us face moments in life when we are overwhelmed.  It is hard to find ourselves in situations that alter life, situations that are unfair, and situations outside our control.

For nearly forty-nine years, I have walked with God.   There have been the most glorious times, and there have been times that have knocked the breath out of me. February 11, 2012 was suffocating.    Would we ever feel like laughing again?  Would we ever wake up and not feel such heavy grief?

After the flowers faded, the phone calls lessened, and the meals stopped coming, I had to face the reality of this painful twist that life had brought.  I had to choose, “Do I let grief take over, or do I give my grief to God, and ask for His strength?”  Over and over I cried out to the God of my salvation, and over and over He gave me strength.

What will you do when life knocks the breath of out of you?

Death is not the only thing that can knock the breath out of us.  There are other events that have the force to utterly crush us and turn our world upside down. It may be the death of someone we love, a cancer diagnosis, a betrayal by a person we trusted, or financial ruin.  The list of life-altering situations that we can experience is a very long one.

Do you feel like you are being suffocated by life?  Has stress taken its toll, causing you to feel afraid, discouraged, lonely or ready to give up? Is your heart broken today? Run to God! He is ready. He is willing. He is able. There is so much power and grace available when we turn our eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face.

Yes, life can knock the wind out of us, but God can give it back. Trust Him, lean on Him, love Him and you will catch that breath once again.  You will be amazed what God can bring you through, and He will bring you through.

The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry for help … the righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, and delivers them from all their troubles. The LORD is near the brokenhearted; He saves those crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:15-18).

I Cannot Believe This Is Happening To Me

Ibumps got out my car thinking to myself, “I cannot believe this is happening again!”

A few years ago, my dear friend Amy was visiting me in Birmingham.  We were out and about and I received a phone call that needed my attention, so I parked in a space to concentrate on the call. The weather was gorgeous so Amy got out of the car to walk on the sidewalk of the strip mall.   After a few minutes, my conversation was over and I could see Amy walking.  I pulled out of my space to meet her, and as I drove down the lane of the parking lot, a van backed out of a parking spot, hitting my car.    I hated that sound!

Over a two-year period, my car had been hit three times.  None of those were my fault.  None of those were provoked by me.  None of those were caused because of some foolish decision I made.  All caused inconvenience to me.   In two of the cases, the people caused me grief by not wanting to take responsibility.  It became a hassle to fix the damage caused by others.  But, I did not say, “I’ll never drive again.”  I did not throw my car away.  I did not scream and yell at the other drivers, and then go home and scream at people who were not even involved.  The bumps did not change my faith, my mission, who I am or who God is.

BUMPS!   Do you ever have them?  You are trying to just go through life, do the right things, be the right kind of person and a bump, not caused by you, hits your life.    At times it might be bump after bump after bump.  The reality is that bumps will hit every life even if we are Christians, Spirit-filled, anointed, and serving faithfully.    The question is will the wreck that we did not anticipate wreck our faith?

I have watched so many over the years quit because a bump hit their lives, and at times the bump was more like a full-blown crash.   My mind quickly goes down a list of those who have walked away from God, disillusioned because of the bumps of life.

Dear friends, it is always too soon to quit. Always!  God is with us through the bumps and through the times we are on cruise control.  That is what faith is all about.  I accepted, by faith, His invitation to be His child.  As a result, He is walking every step of my life with me.  He will bring me through every bump.

How did the early church handle being beaten, threatened, chased, shipwrecked and all manner of persecution?  The following scripture answers that clearly … “We did not give up … our spirit inside us is made new EVERY DAY.”   (2 Corinthians 4:16 NLT)  As a result those Christians had an eternal perspective.  I pray that in the challenging times in which we live, just like the disciples in Bible days, we can proclaim and LIVE these verses.

Bumps will come, but they should not wreck our faith.   I am actually giving you a challenge to write these verses down and put them where you can pull them out every time a bump comes.  When you hear a THUD, let the THUD hear you  loud and clear:

“We have this treasure from God, but we are like clay jars that hold the treasure. This shows that the great power is from God, not from us. We have troubles all around us, but we are not defeated. We do not know what to do, but we do not give up the hope of living. We are persecuted, but God does not leave us. We are hurt sometimes, but we are not destroyed… So we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day. We have small troubles for a while now, but they are helping us gain an eternal glory that is much greater than the troubles. We set our eyes not on what we see but on what we cannot see. What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever.”  2 Corinthians 4:7-9, 16-19



Immanuel Gives Me A “Yet” Praise

“Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines;  even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!

I will be joyful in the God of my salvation! The Sovereign Lord is my strength!   He makes me as surefooted as a deer, able to tread upon the heights.  – Habakkuk 3:17-19

The prophet Habakkuk sums up life, doesn’t he? 

On this Christmas Eve morning, I have been thinking and pondering the things going on around me.

  • Wrapping gifts for our family members, and remembering that, once again, we won’t wrap a gift for our son Bryan.
  • Unanticipated hits on our budget this year.
  • Friends who lost their daughter last night, a mom who won’t see her children grow up, and won’t see them open Christmas gifts.
  • The state of our country, in light of the Word of God.
  • The endless political drama.
  • Several mass killings this year.

I could go on and on, and many of you could chime in quickly, adding your difficulties. There have been some very good places, but 2017 has been challenging.  Yet, while it might seem crazy to some, I still have great hope and faith, that God is the strength of my life.

Sometimes it feels like we are on shaky ground, and that at any moment, the earth will open and we will be swallowed up.  Habakkuk reminds us that God will cause us to be sure-footed in the treacherous places.

Habakkuk also has a “yet” praise!  I choose to have a “yet” praise!

It’s easy to praise and be joyful when things are going well.   But, the truth of life is, that life won’t always go well, even when we serve God.   When we face sickness, hardship, challenges and unfairness, and still offer a  “yet” praise, it shows that something supernatural has occurred in our lives.  It shows that the living God is within us.  He is Immanuel, the God who is with us!

Immanuel is with me today!  I will celebrate what I DO have this season and not focus on what I DON’T have.  Immanuel is with me today!  In this season, I choose to go deeper in experiencing the love of the Father who gave His only Son so that I can truly LIVE!  Immanuel is with me today!  I have received the greatest gift of all – Jesus! I therefore embrace this Christmas season with unprecedented joy!  I will have a “yet” praise!

“‘Believing God when “the chips are down” is one of the most difficult things that we will ever be called to do. Yet if we trust the Lord only when things are going well, then we do not really trust Him at all. When things are good, let us thank God for His blessings, but also ask Him to sustain our faith if we face real hardship. As we walk through dark times, let us ask Him to help us rejoice in Him and remember that He is our exceedingly great reward.”  – R. C. Sproul

It’s A Great Question

Recently, I was reading an article, and the writer repeatedly asked the question WWJD (what would Jesus do)? The writer was using the question to push an agenda, and quickly became  a travel agent for guilt trips. The one who penned the thoughts, was saying to readers, how could you make these good people feel bad?   They are such nice people.  They are good people.

So, I asked myself, WWJD?

Jesus would care deeply about all humanity, but Jesus had no problem standing up for the Word of God, even when unpopular. I so want to cite examples here, but then I would be accused of selecting my favorite controversial scriptures.  Take time on your own, and read the words in red, the words that Jesus spoke.  

Like Jesus, we must treat all people with care and integrity. The Word of God is not a license to call people disgusting, or to be rude to them.  NEVER!

The emotional guilt trap others try to place us in, is not a reason to disregard scripture.

I am going to give one example to make my point: Jesus made it clear that there is a heaven and there is a hell. He also made it clear that a person does not automatically go to heaven. He also taught that God so loved the world, He gave His only Son as the Savior, so that no one ever has to spend one moment in hell.

Jesus astounded people with his love and compassion. He healed the sick, lame and blind. He cared for the downcast. He always spoke of  God as his Father who loves each of us beyond comprehension.  He came to seek and save the lost.   As believers, we should do the same.

Jesus told us that the reason He came was to save us from our sins so we could have eternal life with Him. Most of us are familiar with the wonderful promise of John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

WWJD? He would love people, be kind to people, care about people, have compassion on people and speak the truth to people.

WWJD? He told us exactly what He would do in John 6:38: “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.”



Does Time Really Heal All Wounds?

Time heals all wounds, we are told, but that is not totally true.   What we do with time determines the healing process.

On the left is a picture of my air boot on the first day I was fitted.  The picture on the right is the boot three weeks later.  Notice that when I first put the boot on, I could not pull the strap very far across my foot.  There was still so much swelling and pain in the foot.   On the right, three weeks later the strap is well over an inch tighter.  It’s amazing what can happen over time.

I was given clear instructions of how to continue to promote healing, and to begin to walk again.   There have been days I have wanted to do anything but go to therapy, exercise my foot and ankle, or practice walking on one crutch.  But, I want healing; therefore I use my time to walk towards healing.  I go through the pain of pushing through the parts of therapy that hurt, some of which almost bring me to tears.   

As times continues to tick, I expect total healing, because of what I am doing with my time.

Where are you wounded?  Was it from childhood abuse?  Church hurt?  Rejection from a spouse or friend?  Food addiction? Grief?  There is healing, but we must remember that healing is a process, not an event. 

If we continue to walk out healing, healing will come.  I don’t know why God doesn’t heal all our hurts,  or for that matter, stop them from even occurring.  But, this I know about my God: He is a healer.   Trust the process.  Use your time to walk towards healing, not to stay stuck.

Remember, healing is a process, not an event. 

Let’s Be Honest – Sometimes We Have No Answers


Great sorrow has been my friend as I have watched the videos and pictures of the devastation caused by Harvey and Irma. I have seen video of the hurricane and earthquake in Mexico.  I’ve watched as over a thousand were killed, and thousands displaced because of flooding in India.  And, wildfires are plenteous in the west.  I have more questions than answers as a Christian.   Being truthful.  

Some “prayed the storms away” from their dwelling, yet the same storms destroyed another family’s home, and they also prayed.  Innocent children in poverty-stricken areas are suffering.

I am so very grateful for those who were spared ruin and devastation. I am also so very heartbroken for those who had a different outcome. Some of them were friends, good devoted Christian friends.

Let’s be honest, sometimes we have no answers.  I do not embrace that one area had more faith or favor than another. We don’t have the answer to the why, except that we know we still live in an imperfect world.  

I am a woman of faith. I was a woman of faith last week; I am a woman of faith this week; I will be a woman of faith next week.

I have no words to give that will mean much. In times like these I can only let His words speak.  Oh, God, we are speechless. We have no words from man’s perspective. So we speak Your Word:

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1

“I love the LORD, because he has heard my voice and my pleas for mercy. Because he inclined his ear to me, therefore I will call on him as long as I live.” – Psalm 116:1-2

“The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in him.” – Nahum 1:7

Father, we thank You that You hear our cries, and that Your mercy will be at work.