When Someone In The Church Hurts You

News alert:  people in the Church are going to offend you sometimes.  

My husband began his first pastorate in the little town of Camden, SC.  I was only 20 years old.  I was a naïve, immature child of God.   With honesty I can say, I had little to no clue what I was doing, and I can honestly say, I really thought everyone in the Church would play nice.  Here I am forty-five years later, testifying that as we have served in ministry, not everyone was nice, including me. 

I’ll spare the details, but a woman hurt me very deeply in one of our pastorates.  She accused me of things that I did not do, and proceeded to spread the accusations.  She contacted church leaders, friends and probably even God!  In front of others, she told me what she thought of me.  I was devastated. 

During the season of hurt and disillusionment, I pulled away from the church emotionally, trying to breathe, and trying to survive.  It was a difficult season, but God met me during that season and renewed me.  The woman did not apologize, and even after God touched me, I still had to see her in the pew  every week.  (Maybe it’s called a “pew” because God’s people can stink some things up!)

Over time, I was able to become stronger in God, and know that the storms created by people in the Church were not going to kill me.  They would hurt, but not kill me.   I learned that there is a safe place in God.  I learned to be careful not to pull away from God because of what people did.  God did not hurt me.  One of His children did.  It’s easy to get the two mixed up.   It’s easy to lose sight of the One we serve, the One we love and the One who loves us. 

Many, many years later, while speaking in a city, my path crossed with that woman.  As she came up to me, I was braced for another tongue-lashing.  Instead a beautiful spirit of repentance and sorrow came from her.    Now, I could have rehashed all she had done to me and my reputation, but that would do no good.  We hugged.  We teared up.  We walked away in total forgiveness, continuing to grow and serve God.

Are you in a season of hurt?  God sees.  Does it seem like the person is getting away with it?  God sees. 

It’s easy to want God to punish the person, who has hurt us, but it is necessary to give God the time to work in people.  He can change a person. I cannot.  He is doing a work beyond my natural vision.

Thank God that He doesn’t hit us with a bolt of lightning every time we do something foolish.  Otherwise, I would not be writing this, and you would not be reading it!

Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that will pardon and cleanse within;
Grace, grace, God’s grace, Grace that is greater than all our sin!

“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”  – Philippians 2:13

Truth Is Still Truth

As the times change, and what is permitted on television changes, I watch less and less.  I do have a few shows that I record and watch, so I can avoid commercials.  Not only do I not care about the commercials, they often have content I don’t care to put in to my mind’s eye. 

I do like a good court show. It fascinates me to watch the judge get to the truth of the matter.  The judge sits and listens to two people telling very different stories, and I watch as she asks questions, eventually painting one of them into a corner.  Eventually, either the plaintiff or the defendant has no real truth to back up what they are saying.  

Often during the case, one side will begin to repeatedly yell the same statement over and over, a statement that is not true.  Many times it is the written word, text or email, that shows the real truth.  The written word trumps what is being said.  

Finally, the judge will say, “Just because you repeat it over and over, doesn’t make it true.”

That is kind of where I am today, as I see what is unfolding in our society.  Untrue statements have been repeated so many times, that they are now repeated as truth.  One arena in which this is so true is the arena of sexual issues.  While I am not going to list and dissect every sexual issue that is in the news today, without hesitation I say, “Just because you repeat something over and over does not make it true.” 

I challenge God’s people to educate themselves, as to what God’s word says about sexual matters.  It is very clear, and I find little to no ambiguity.   Notice that I said God’s people.  I can’t make someone live a life based on the truth of the Word of God.   Yelling scripture at people doesn’t change them.   But, God’s people are responsible to know the truth of what God says.

We must be careful that we not let emotions change what the word of God says.  We all have friends and family that are on the “other” side of issues.  We should love them no less, and we should treat them with kindness.   That should not and will not change what the word of God says on these matters.  Truth is still truth, even if unpopular.  The written word trumps what is being said.

“Just because you repeat it over and over, doesn’t make it true.”

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” – Psalm 25:5

Is God Just A Fairy Tale?

“Your God is just a fairy tale, for the weak-minded.”   That was part of a conversation in which I was involved recently, and it’s not the first time that I’ve heard something along this line.   

There have been a few times that the words rang in my ears, and I even wondered, “What if this is all a big fairy tale!” 

According to one man, talking about God is the equivalent of talking about fairies or goblins. It’s the reason he doesn’t like to use the word ‘atheist’ to describe himself. ‘Call me an “a-fairyist” or an “a-goblinist”,’ he says, ‘because to me it’s the same argument.’

Now, I believe God is real, very real.  He has stepped off the pages of scripture, and walked right into my life.  But, there are still those who believe it’s all one big fairy tale.

Even if serving God and believing Him to work on my behalf is a fairy tale, I have no regrets.

This “fairy tale” has:

  • Given me hope in life.
  • Caused me to believe that I could overcome an abusive childhood.
  • Planted in me a desire to help other people in need.
  • Given me opportunity to travel across this nation and other nations, to speak good news.
  • Taught me to forgive more easily, and not live with the negative consequences of bitterness and unforgiveness.
  • Placed in my heart a desire to be generous. Before my “fairy tale,” I wanted to hold on to the almighty dollar!
  • Provided me with tools to be a better woman, wife, mother and grandmother.
  • Helped me to be kind-hearted towards my fellow humans.
  • Placed wonderful people in my path, who have been steadfast, dependable friends.

I could go on and on and on.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ has been life-changing, and healing for this old girl. 

Is God a fairy tale?  I certainly don’t think He is, but if He is, I like a good fairy tale.  A good fairy tale starts with once upon there was … and ends with they lived happily ever after.  That has been my life.  Once upon a time, I was a mess, the Prince came and rescued me, and one day I shall live happily ever after with Him!

I believe in God our Father, I believe in Christ the Son
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Our God is three in one
I believe in the resurrection, That we will rise again
For I believe in the name of Jesus

“Know that the Lord, He is God;  It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. – Psalm 100:3

God Is Singing. Why Don’t You Join Him?

While sitting in the waiting room at the therapy offices, I get a lot of lessons.  The therapy offices to which I am referring, are for therapists who work with children.   Our grandson Joseph gets both occupational therapy and speech therapy, and sometimes I get to take him.  Joseph is on the autism spectrum,  and these therapists work hard to help him.  It’s often slow progress, but it’s progress!

Truly, I could write several pages of watching the children in the waiting room.  They are amazing to watch.  They are determined to overcome.

This week, as we were waiting for Joseph’s therapist to come take him back, Joseph began playing with a toy that is similar to a house.   A child can climb through the door, and to the “inside of the house.”  As Joseph climbed through, he saw the light switch, and said, “Turn on the light.”  And, he did.  Then he said, “Turn off the light.” And, he did.  Then he went back “outside the house.”   Joseph stood up and said, “Good job, Joseph,” and clapped for himself.

I smiled, and I almost teared up.  Two years ago, this would not have happened.  Two years of hard, repetitive work is being rewarded.  Hard. Repetitive. Work.

Joseph reminded me of two things that day.

First, if we continue with hard, repetitive work, results will come. Even if they are slow, they will come.  It takes work to see results.  So many want the reward without the work and commitment, both in the natural and the supernatural.  Thank  God for His Spirit and His power!  But, that doesn’t mean results are automatic.  It often takes hard, repetitive effort, and sometimes the results can be slow in coming.

Too often, people give up on their dreams and prayers, because it doesn’t come quickly, or easily.  I am so thankful that none of us gave up when Joseph did not see quick results. Today, we are seeing results, because his parents, his extended family and his therapists refuse to give up!  I know we will yet see more growth in Joseph, but it will take prayer and hard, repetitive work.

Second, we need to pat ourselves on the back  occasionally.  Joseph has had many pats on the back, and much applause from his family and therapists.  When he masters a new thing, we applaud, no matter how small the thing is.  We get excited and celebrate the smallest victories.   This has taught Joseph to celebrate his own victories, no matter how small.

So often, we stay sad and depressed because no one is patting us on the back.   Look at your life?  Have you made forward progress?  Have you grown as a person and a believer?  Then stop right now, and applaud yourself.    I am not talking about an attitude of bragging and arrogance.  I am talking about looking at where you used to be, and where  you are now!   Don’t wait on someone else to clap.  Stand before God and clap, thanking Him for the progress you have made, and are making.

Those who have heard me as a speaker, know that I will often break into song in the middle of a message.  One of my favorites to sing out:

If you could see where Jesus brought me from to the place I am today.
Then you would know the reason why I love my Jesus so!

Trust me, writing it doesn’t have the same effect as singing it!

Don’t beat yourself up today.  Today, stop and thank God that you are not who you used to be.  Even if  you feel your progress is slow, rejoice!   Why not join heaven today in a song of rejoicing over YOU!

“The  Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior.   He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”-  Zephaniah 3:17



Ready or Not, Here He Comes

behold-i-am-coming-soonAfter keeping one of my grandchildren, my son asked me a question.  “What is different about keeping my child, than keeping your own children?”  My answer, without hesitation, “I am very aware they are your children, and I don’t want anything to happen to them under my care.”  That conversation took place several grandchildren ago.

Yesterday, I had my grandson Joseph visiting.  “Papa” was not home from work yet, and Joseph kept asking for him.  Joseph does love his Papa!  He will jump up and down with joy when Papa finally arrives.

Usually I know where Joseph is, because he sticks fairly close to where I am in the house.  I noticed things were quiet, and I called out for Joseph.  No answer!  I called again. Nothing! This is unusual, so I began to look around the house for him.  No Joseph!  Gulp!  Finally, I noticed the door leading into the garage was slightly ajar, and the garage light was peering into the dark laundry room.

Joseph was in the garage waiting for Papa to drive up, and open the garage door.  (He was in no danger because Papa doesn’t park in the garage.)  I went out to check on him, and he said, “Want to see Papa.”

Joseph was in the garage, waiting with great expectation for the return of the one he loved so much – his Papa.

Forty-eight years ago, I gave my heart and life to Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.  Over those years, He has changed me, healed me, walked with me, touched my hurting heart and loved me.  It is easy, as life wears on and difficulties arise, to forget that Jesus has promised to return for us.  This is not my final home.  This is my temporary home.

As I watched Joseph wait with anticipation, for the return of Papa, I was reminded that one day Jesus Christ is coming back.  One day, believers on earth will jump with joy as “the garage door of heaven opens,” and Jesus calls us home.

Thanks be to God for His Son Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, and made a way for us to live eternally with Him.  Jesus Christ is the way through the door that leads to eternal life with God, and ready or not, He is coming!   Please be ready, by accepting the Lord as Your personal Savior.

I am a lover of worship choruses, and I attend a church that sings mostly choruses.  I think from time to time, it would do us well to be reminded, we are just passing through this place on earth.  Pull out an old hymn, and  sing with expectation:

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.

“For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the archangel’s voice, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are still alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air and so we will always be with the Lord. Therefore encourage[l] one another with these words.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18




Sometimes We Simply Mess Up

houtonHouston, we have a problem!  Gulp!  Houston and I had a big problem last week.

Last weekend, I was scheduled to speak in Spring, TX, which is a suburb of Houston.  When finalizing arrangements, I was considering flying into Houston Lobby International.    In talking with my hosts, I discovered that Hobby was a long way from their destination, so we agreed I’d fly to Bush International.  My preferred airline does not fly to Bush International; therefore, I booked with a different airline, and completed travel arrangements for Spring, TX.

This past Thursday,  I was completing all the things that I needed to get accomplished prior to leaving on Friday morning.  I had all my messages done and in my brief case, along with my Bible and computer.  My boarding pass was downloaded.  I had most of my clothes packed, and the rest laid out and ready to go.  I sat down to do my nails. (Hey, I am a woman speaker, who talks with her hands, so nails are a must do!)

I was feeling so good that I was organized, and on target for an early bedtime.  Yay me!

As I was sitting, waiting for my nails to dry, I received a message from a friend, who wanted to know where I was going to be in the Dallas area.  I told her I would be in Spring, TX. She informed me that was near Houston.

With panic in my heart, I looked back, and sure enough, I had booked the wrong airport.  What was I thinking!  The Dallas airport was a four-hour drive from Spring, TX.  If I rented a car, I might make the evening meeting on Friday, but there was no way I could get back to Dallas in time to fly home.

I feverishly began to try to change my ticket, but after a while, it was evident, that I could not get there in time for the evening service, and it would cost me about a thousand dollars.  Gulp!  So, Gaylon and I decided we would get up at 4:00 a.m and make the ten-hour drive.   I am a woman of my word, and I was going to Houston to honor my commitment. There was no way I was leaving that church in a bind!

How I hated to inform Rachel, my hostess, about what I had done.  I had never, in all my years of ministry, made such a blunder.   What would she think?  I hated to put her in a stressful thought pattern.

Rachel was beyond gracious.   She insisted that we reschedule, and that God would provide for the weekend.  I tried every way I could to persuade her to let me drive, and get there.  She assured me that she was not stressed at all, and that God would take care of things.  So, I stayed home, with a red face!  I still could not believe I made such a blunder.

During the weekend, I read Facebook posts, and texted with Rachel. They had a wonderful weekend.  (How could they have a wonderful weekend without me?)  Yes, God provided, and Rachel has given me a rain check to reschedule.

What did I learn from this?

  1. We are all subject to error even if we are diligent, honorable people. We must forgive ourselves for our errors.  Even in our mistakes, God can provide.
  2. While God will use us, we are not indispensable to His plan.  He can work when we are present, and when we are not.  It’s not by might, not by power, but by His Spirit.
  3. Thank God for the “Rachels” of life, who don’t fume, go into a rage or disown a person when an error is made. Rachel was quick to realize that this was not a surprise to God, and He would provide.

When you are in a situation in life that screams, “Houston, we have a problem,” stop, breathe and look to the One who has the power to work despite our problems.  After all, heaven does not have a problem!

“So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” – Genesis 22:24




And Suddenly …

suddenlygodTo protect the privacy of others, I’ll change details slightly, but this is a true story, and happened within the last thirty days.

Friends that I love deeply have gone through a difficult time, that has lasted a very long time.  It has been a matter of prayer every day for way more than a year.  Sometimes the burden has felt heavy, and sometimes, I have wanted to cry out like Habakkuk, “How long, LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen?” 

As I have walked with the Lord God for fifty years, one of the things I have learned, is to be faithful – faithful when I feel like it, faithful when I don’t feel like it, faithful when I see God at work, faithful when I am seeing nothing, faithful when I am hearing from heaven, faithful when it seems heaven is brazen and my prayers are falling right back into my lap.

Months and months have gone by, as we have cried out to God with, and in behalf of, our friends. Hearing nothing, and seeing little, we faithfully obeyed, “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” – Ephesians 6:18

Then … SUDDENLY!  (Suddenly after months of prayer.)  SUDDENLY, God intervened in the situation and did wonders.  I have cried tears.  I have laughed. I have knelt before God in thanksgiving.  But most of all, I have been reminded that the God of “suddenlies” can show up, and instantly change situations.

Never did I dream, that I’d wake up that morning, and before the sunset, God would suddenly change things.  SUDDENLY.

When Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, he could not have imagined how long his trial would last.  Then “suddenly” he woke up in his prison cell, never realizing this was the day God would fulfill destiny.  SUDDENLY, after thirteen years of faithfulness.

When the Jesus told the disciples to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Holy Spirit to come, they faithfully went to Jerusalem.  The story is recorded in the book of Acts.  They began to pray and wait upon God. Then “suddenly” the Holy Spirit fell upon them – SUDDENLY after ten days.

How long  does suddenly take to appear?  That is up to God. Nevertheless,  we do serve the God who hears, and suddenly shows up.  Many times, we have sat in God’s waiting room, doing what He told us to do.  Often we have done it faithfully, but frustrated.  It is in those moments that God shows up when we least expect it, and SUDDENLY He throws us a game changer.

Are you frustrated today?  Are you wondering if God is even hearing you?

Many times, those mountains that seem to consume us are just little mole hills that the devil has magnified.  Feed your faith, connect with God and wait for the SUDDENLY.  It is coming.

“And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.” –  Acts 16:26


Three Weeks From Today

3weeksFor years, two of my aunts stopped speaking to one another.  I don’t know exactly what the issue was, but I was sitting in the living room, as my mother and one of her sisters talked.  Aunt “Sue” was telling my mom that while visiting their mother earlier, Aunt “Sally” came by the house.  As soon as Aunt “Sally” realized Aunt “Sue” was there, she sped off in her car and refused to come inside.

My mom never told me the whole story, but I knew enough to know that it was not a big incident that caused this division. It was a case of harsh words because of a disagreement.  Disagreement had divided the family.

America is in an election such as we have never seen.  There are enough lies, exaggerations and scandals to last a lifetime.  We are a very divided country. We seem divided along gender, racial and party lines.

Yet, for me the most troubling division is that which has risen in the Body of Christ.  It doesn’t take long to read social media, internet articles, and periodicals to see just how divided we have become.  There are competing prophets telling us who is to be elected and/or who is of the devil.   Christians loudly declare:  you cannot be a Christian and vote for him; you cannot be a Christian and vote for her.    Insults are hurled a mile a minute. One woman deleted me from social media because I did not support her candidate. Before deleting me from her life, she made sure to let me know I was not a woman of God.

One of the jobs of Satan is to divide the church.   Yes, we’ve always had some division, but the divide is so much deeper now.  The enemy did not just get a foothold in the door; it seems he has almost gotten his whole body in the door.

“When you follow the desires of your sinful nature, the results are very clear: sexual immorality, impurity, lustful pleasures, idolatry, sorcery, hostility, quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambition, dissension, division, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other sins like these. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.” – Galatians 5:19-21

As we look at the above list, most of us who try to live by biblical truth, would never think of getting drunk, being sexually immoral, playing with sorcery and throwing wild parties.  (I said MOST of us!)  Yet, God took the time to add to that list: hostility, outbursts of anger and division.

The enemy must be smiling, because he thinks he is fulfilling scripture, “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Mark 3:25.    The New Living Translation says it profoundly, “Similarly, a family splintered by feuding will fall apart.”

It’s time to stop the angry words towards each other.  It’s time to stop finger-pointing and speaking evil against one another.  The wounding has to stop.  Three weeks from today, we will have a president-elect.  In three weeks, many will be disappointed, and many will be jubilant.  The question is, “In three weeks, what kind of Church will we have?”  I hope and pray that we will have a Church that is not strife-filled.  Proverbs 6:16 tells us that God hates strife.

While many of us have been praying for repentance in this nation, it’s time to repent for letting down our guards, and allowing such ugliness to develop between us.  “If my people …”

Three weeks from today, I still plan to serve God.  Three weeks from today, I still plan to evangelize.  Three weeks from today, I still plan to help those who are in the midst of life’s pain.  Three weeks from today, I still plan to love God’s people.  Three weeks from today, I still plan to have faith in God.  Three weeks from today, I still plan to have kind words coming from my mouth.  Three weeks from today, I still plan to pray for a move of God in the United States of America.

What will you be doing three weeks from today?

There’s A Pharisee In Me

phariseeThe words were stunning and shocking. The doctor, after much testing said to me, “Mrs. Benton, we are 99% sure you have ovarian cancer, and it has already spread to nearby lymph nodes. You will need surgery to remove all the disease, and by my side will be a surgical oncologist, who will check all the organs to see how much the disease has spread.”  That was more than twenty years ago, and praise be to God, I am still here!  He still works miracles!

The Sunday after my surgery, I was not able to be in the church service. A friend of mine was so grateful for the miracle God had done in my body that she began to dance with the joy of the Lord. Others began to join in and celebration erupted in the house. Then, an unbelievable thing happened. One man looked with disdain upon the celebration, citing that my friend had never danced this way before, so why today?   He could not celebrate the great victory because he was too busy being a Pharisee – righteous enough to dance when he wanted, but eager to tell others why they shouldn’t or couldn’t!

Please don’t think my intention is to be hard on my fellow believer.  We all have some Pharisee in us, and when it shows its face, religion can get real ugly real fast.

“On another Sabbath, he entered the synagogue and was teaching, and a man was there whose right hand was withered. And the scribes and the Pharisees watched him, to see whether he would heal on the Sabbath, so that they might find a reason to accuse him. (Luke 6:6-7)

Jesus showed up in church one day and saw a man with a withered hand. Jesus just can’t help being Jesus – filled with compassion and eager to heal. It was a beautiful thing Jesus did as he healed that man’s hand and set him free. What God did that day was incredible. Yet, in that same service, some of the “church” folks were watching, not to celebrate what was right, but to point out what was wrong.

It is so easy to sit in a church gathering looking for what we don’t like, or seething over the one thing we disagreed with in the sermon. In our minds, we can turn the beautiful things of God into something ugly real fast if we let the Pharisee take over.

Pharisees don’t seek to love and heal those around them, but to show them every little thing that is wrong with them. Pharisees could never enjoy the presence of Jesus because they were always trying to make sure every “i” was dotted and every “t” was crossed just right. If even one thing wasn’t like they thought it should be, church was over for them. How many times did they miss the presence of Jesus touching them because somebody offended them by the way they did something?  Pharisees loved the best seats. They wanted to be seen. How many times do we walk away from the things of God because no one noticed me, or no one spoke to me?

Beloved, the presence of Jesus is always where two are three are gathered in His name. He is there to touch us, cleanse us, renew us and empower us. Don’t miss out on what God is doing because you see someone who is not quite living up to your standards, or, you see a leader that has done you wrong, so no way are you rejoicing in that service!

The Pharisaical spirit is from Satan to keep us from entering into the life-changing work of the Spirit. That spirit is determined to kill the life of Christ in you. As a born-again, Spirit-filled child of God declare boldly, “Pharisaical spirit, get out of me. You will not rule my worship or my ability to enter into God this day!  You will not destroy me or hinder the work of God in my life, my family or in my church.”

How well I know that I must be careful about the Pharisee in me.

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered!

Even When The Odds Are Not In My Favor, I Am In God’s Favor

fiery-furnaceOver twenty years ago, the odds were stacked against me.  I had gone for a routine exam with the doctor, and suddenly things spiraled downhill.  Without giving a play-by-play of the next three weeks, let me just say it was challenging.  After much testing, the doctor determined I was in the highest of categories to have ovarian cancer, and it had spread to nearby lymph nodes.   The odds were not in my favor.

I knew I was ready to meet the Lord, but I still wanted to see my children get married, and meet my grandchildren one day.  We simply called upon the Lord, asking Him for total healing, and left it in His hands.  For me, that was not a magic formula guaranteeing that I would live many more years.  For me, it was a truth that I was going to be healed on this side, or the other side, but regardless, my life was in His hands.

Today, more than twenty years later, I am a grandmother to six, a minister of the Gospel and a child of God!

In chapter three of Daniel, there is a story of three young men who, from a human perspective, faced insurmountable odds.   These men had a choice, bow and go along with the culture, or face grave consequences.

In the face of such odds, their confession was, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said to the king, ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter. If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king.  But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.’” – Daniel 3:16-18

Because of the present culture, many Christians are fearful because the odds seemed to be stacked against us. Those in power seem to continue to pressure God’s people to bow to the culture.  The heat is being intensified.

When we walk with God, we are not controlled by the “odds.” When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego stood before a fiery furnace that had been made seven times hotter than normal, the king who was in authority, said, “They are going to die! They will bow to what I say, or they will die.”

Odds were not in the three young men’s favor. But, who ended up being destroyed by the fire? The ones who put the three men in the fire.

Often, as believers, it feels the odds are against us in our society. God is not controlled by odds or the law of averages. In summary: God rules. The process might be uncomfortable and challenging. But … GOD RULES. This I believe.

The odds might not be in my favor, but I am in God’s favor!

This is my confession, “My God whom I serve is able to deliver me from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver me out of your hand, O king.  But if not, be it known to you, O king, that I will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.’”

“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?” – Romans 8:31