I am an introvert! Yep! I am definitely an introvert. On top of that, I’m a shy introvert. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not true that all introverts are shy.
When I was in my thirties, God called me to teach His word, and spoke to my spirit that I would teach in many places. I immediately explained to God how that would never work. “God, I am an introvert who is afraid to stand in front of people. As a matter of fact, I can barely say hello to people.” I was afraid – afraid that I could not do it!
In scripture is the story of a young woman who was afraid when God spoke His will to her. We know her as Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Mary was encountered by an angel, who revealed God’s plan for her life. Mary was told that she would bear a child, who would be formed supernaturally in her womb, and that child would be the Son of God, and the Savior of the world. Yikes!
Mary had several steps when responding to the seemingly impossible thing God was asking.
- She had an emotional response of fear. We know this because the angel told her not to be afraid.
- Mary saw God’s will as impossible. She said, “I don’t see how this can happen.”
- Mary surrendered her human understanding to faith in the Word of God. She said, “Be it unto me according to the Word of God.”
- Mary submitted to the will of God, and began to walk in His will for her life. Her yielded life brought about something being supernaturally birthed through her.
These are often the same things we experience as we walk with God. It is not unusual, nor sinful, to experience some human fear as we encounter the will of God. We often look at ourselves, and say I don’t see how the things of God are possible in my life. The next two steps are incredibly important: We must say, be it unto me according to Your Word. Whatever you are speaking, God, I’m all in! Then, we begin to walk out the will of God in our lives. This brings about supernatural things being birthed through us. The God, for whom nothing is impossible, does supernatural things through people who can’t do it on their own.
God calls us to a life that we cannot live in our own ability, strength and power. The only reason that we can surrender our all to Him is because of the presence, the power and the anointing of the Holy Spirit in our lives as Christians.
Here I am thirty years later, and I have traveled from coast to coast, border to border, and to foreign countries teaching the Word of God. I am amazed at the doors God has opened to me. As I stand on platforms teaching the Word of God, I am anything but shy and introverted. Like Mary, I said, how is this possible? It is possible through the life-changing, power-equipping Holy Spirit of God.
What impossible thing are you facing? By faith verbalize to God, “Be it unto me according to Thy Word!” I am so glad I did!
“And Mary said, Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.” – Luke 1:38