What a Mess!

stain2Joseph, who is my one-year-old grandson, is quite an eater.  The boy enjoys his food.  While keeping Joseph at my house one day, meal time approached.  As soon as he was seated in the high chair, he started smiling and waving his hands.  Bring it on, Grammy!   The meal of the day was Italian, and he ate it all, and I do mean ALL.  However, in the process, he had sauce on his hands, his arms, his face and his hair. What a sight to see those big blue eyes surrounded by red sauce!   At least I put a bib on him, but Grammy wasn’t thinking – the bib had a white background, and it was covered in red stains.  What a mess!  The bib was ruined and might as well be thrown away.

My husband is the best “stain-getter-outer” in the world!  So, I asked him to see if there was any way to save the bib.  About ten minutes later he presented me with a perfectly clean bib.  It looked like it was brand new.

I’ve had a lot messes that left terrible stains.   After trying many times on my own to remove stains and reverse messes, I’ve turned them over to Gaylon.  I’ve had many garments that I thought were ruined, only to have Gaylon remove the stains.  He has been able to change a lot of messes when all my efforts were futile.

I’ve made a lot of messes in life.  My life has been stained by sin, bad decisions and painful circumstances.  I am thankful to know the GREAT “stain-getter-outer” – Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

“No amount of soap or lye can make you clean. I still see the stain of your guilt. I, the Sovereign Lord, have spoken!” Jeremiah 2:22.   The fact is God saw my guilt, but an even greater fact is that He saw my guilt and gave his life to remove it.   No matter how much I tried to clean myself, it was impossible.   I am so thankful that even though He saw my stain, he also said, “Come now, let’s settle this,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” Isaiah 1:18.

No matter how stained our lives are, Jesus is the great stain-remover.  He is the life-changer.  He does not throw us away, but makes us new creations.  Our stains can only be removed through the cleansing power of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.  It’s not what I can do to get myself clean, but it’s what He has already done!

“Jesus paid it all, All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow.”


highchairMadison Benton will be nine years old in July.  Her birth brought much joy and ushered in a great era for us.  Being grandparents is something we enjoy beyond description.

After Madison was born, we bought a high chair to use during her visits.  Because Madison matured and grew, the chair eventually found its way to the attic.  It was almost eight years before other grandchildren began to arrive, so the chair has now moved from the attic back to the kitchen.  Our young, immature grandsons require a  high chair.

It’s funny to watch those boys as they sit in the high chair.  It’s actually more like an “I” chair.  When our grandsons are in the “I” chair, they are very demanding.  I was recently feeding Joseph, and he was sitting in the chair crying, mouth wide open, demanding his food immediately!  If he liked what I gave him, all was pleasant.  If he did not like what I was giving him, he would try to swat it away.  He demanded that he have what he wanted, when he wanted it.   If he did not have his way, he let everyone know it.  I’ve had the same experience when feeding Tucker – the identical same experience!   Their behavior is understandable because they are just babies; however, the day must come when the boys mature beyond the “I” chair.

The most dangerous spiritual chair a person can sit in is the “I” chair.  It is the chair that negates the will and Word of God.  It is the chair that says I will serve and obey God when I choose.  It will be on my terms.  If I don’t like part of His Word, I’ll swat it away.  If God or the church crosses me, I will scream unless I get my way.  I have a right to do whatever!  Yet, nothing could be farther from the truth of the Gospel.

There must come a point that we outgrow the “I” chair.  We are not our own. We were bought with a price. We belong to Jesus. We are His purchased possession.  When a person yields to the lordship of Jesus Christ, he or she acknowledges His ownership and gives up personal rights.

It’s time to put the “I” chair in the attic. 

“Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross daily, and follow me.”  Luke 9:23

When Life Is Hard

when life is hardMore than once in my life I have found myself in hard places, and that is putting it mildly!  I have suffered abuse, been in financial despair, had a miscarriage, walked through extreme church conflict, had a child with cancer and lost a son.  Even when we belong to God, we can find ourselves in hard places.

I love to teach, but I also love to challenge others to dig and learn on their own.  Take a few minutes to read a little about a woman named Hagar.  Yes, I know she birthed Ishmael, but she really had no choice in the matter.  She was owned by the family.

Once Sarah realized what she had set in motion, she mistreated Hagar terribly, and a pregnant Hagar fled. Hagar – abused and despised, sitting alone in a wilderness. That is a hard place in life.  Take time to read Genesis 16 to get the details.

Hagar learned some things about God while she was in that hard place.  She learned He sees what we go through; she learned God hears our cries when life has become hopeless; she learned He cares about our circumstances; she learned He will give promises to us in the hard place.

Maybe Hagar’s story is your story right now.  God sees you today.

Hagar gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her:  “You are the God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13).

Hurry Up and Wait

hurry-up-and-waitRecently I was in a big hurry to get somewhere and was driving in a passing lane.  The lane was moving way too slow for my taste.  After all, I was in a rush and someone was awaiting my arrival.  The vehicle in front of me was a small U-Haul truck, and the driver was going soooooo slow.  I kept requesting aloud, “Would you please move faster or get out of my way?”    Apparently the driver did not get the message. He kept going way too slow!  After finally passing the car to our right, the truck pulled over, and I was ready to roll.  At that moment I realized there was a slow vehicle that had been in front of the truck.  That vehicle was the reason for the truck’s slow speed.  The driver saw something I did not see.  He had clearer vision.

How often in prayer, I have instructed God what to do, when to do it and how to do it!   So many times He doesn’t obey me!  Imagine that!  It’s so easy for me to pray based on my perspective, according to the lane from which I am driving at that moment in life.  Over and over when God has not moved fast enough, it is later that I discover He saw things I did not see.  He has much clearer vision of what is down the road.

Several years back, I was to be one of four speakers at a conference in Georgia.  It was a period of time when I was going to be away from home for eleven weekends in a row.   I prayed and prayed asking God for messages for Georgia, and nothing came to my heart.  As the date of the conference approached, panic arose in my spirit.  I have hundreds of messages which I have given over the years, but even those didn’t seem to have life.  Two weeks before I was to be in Georgia, I received a call that the conference was being downsized a bit.  The leader knew I had way too much on my plate at the point, so she asked if I would mind being cancelled.  Since my schedule was so hectic at that time, I did not mind at all!  All along I thought the answer to my prayer was for God to give me a message.  God always knew I wasn’t going to Georgia.  He was very aware that I needed a break in my schedule.  He had much clearer vision.

Do you find yourself in the God’s waiting room?  The idea of waiting goes against that to which we have become accustomed in our hurry-up world.  My natural inclination is to hit the gas pedal, while God might be saying, “Hit the brakes.  Slow it down.”  As a matter of fact, God will at times press the brakes Himself.  He sees things ahead that we do not see.  He knows when we need refueling and rest for what is ahead.

We will all spend time in God’s waiting room.  It is not the bad place we often envision it to be. The next time you are driving through life and you want to step on the gas, and He steps on the brakes, trust Him.  After all, it is He that knows what is ahead.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”  Psalm 27:14

The Answer Is On The Way

BGod has heardefore the age of computers and word processors, some of us actually used a pen or pencil to write on paper.  I often wrote lists, notes and reminders on note pads, and I was one who pressed hard when I wrote.  I remember writing down a name and address once, tearing off the page, but somehow losing it.  Desperately needing that address, I cried; I prayed; I hunted; I panicked, but to no avail.  Days later as I sat down at my desk, I picked up my note pad and noticed indentation that resembled writing.  With a pencil in hand, I began to lightly color over the words and there was the address appearing before my very eyes!  I had forgotten about it and moved on, but the address was there all the time.  It just not been revealed yet.

How often when we pray do we experience the same thing!   Life situations present themselves, and we need answers.  We cry!  We pray! We panic!  We wait!  Heaven seems to be deaf to our cries.   Yet from the moment we prayed, God prepared an answer.  He has not forgotten those things for which we have prayed.  He has not forgotten our pain.  He has not forgotten our sorrow.  He has not forgotten our loneliness.  He has not forgotten that the rent must be paid.  He has not forgotten that which concerns us.  God had it on the tablet of his heart the whole time, and just like the words on my note pad, His answer will appear.  He will reveal Himself.

Delay and timing don’t often make sense to us, but this I know – God’s character can be trusted.  Beloved child of God, He has heard your prayers, and the answer is on the way. Just think – this could be the day that it appears before your eyes.

“God will perfect everything that concerns you.” (Psalm 138:8, NKJV)

Getting Over the Emotional Hump

you_are_healed_and_made_whole__by_ah_nee_may_nee_yak-d5arw44I have been dealing with so many hurting people – people who are wounded or  in despair.  God cares very much and wants to empower you to get over the emotional hump.  Let faith arise as you pray this for yourself on a regular basis:

Heavenly Father, please help me to learn to live by faith and not by emotions.  Thank you that life is not devoid of emotion, but may I not base my life on how I feel.  Lord, emotions are fleeting but faith will stand the test of time.  Father, heal me from being held back because of negative emotions as a result of mistreatment at the hands of another, or the unfairness of life.  I pray that You will heal guilt, despair, rejection, hatred, resentment, hopelessness and bitterness.

I choose to release these painful emotions, often crippling emotions.  Let me arise in faith and allow you to fill the empty spaces with Your love, Your peace, Your joy, Your acceptance, and the powerful presence of Your Holy Spirit.

With my mouth I proclaim truth:  I belong to Jesus Christ, the strong Son of God.  I am an overcomer. I am more than a conqueror.  I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  I am part of your divine plan.  God, you have plans to prosper me and to give me a good future and hope. I think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report. I think on these things.

I declare that I am accepted by You, and I thank You that the favor of God goes before me into this day, this week,  this month and year, creating divine appointments, connections and relationships for me.

I declare this in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

When Will There Be Any Good News?

VF01“I am confident I will see the Lord’s goodness, while I am here in the land of the living.”  Psalm 27:13

I spend very little time listening to the “news” which really should be called the “olds.”  It’s the same old junk!  In the midst of all of that we are hearing and seeing, I agree with the Psalmist–I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

I am happy to report there is good news!  There are people today who are making a decision to trust Christ as Lord and Savior.  There are people rejoicing because they have been miraculously healed of disease.  There are still many couples in love with each other after years of being together.  People are being set free to live healthy lives because they have learned how to forgive!  There are babies who will grow up to be great leaders of God because their mothers chose to give them life!

Yes, I can see God’s goodness in the land of the living.  There’s more!

There are many people who are giving money to help the homeless and the hungry.  Dream Centers are springing up all over this nation to reach those who have been labeled as the unreachable.  Ministries are helping to free women who have been imprisoned by sex slavery.  Many are walking out of a past of sexual abuse and into the wholeness offered by God.  There are men discipling young men who have no father figure in their lives.  People in horrible circumstances are seeing God make a way where there seems to be no way.

How do I know these things?  Because in the last several months, I have personally witnessed all of these things happening!  Praise God that I can see Good News in a land that is continually concentrating on bad news.  I can see God’s goodness in the land of the living.  Rejoice! There is good news!  The Spirit of God is at work today!

And the best news of all … Jesus Christ will return as Lord and King, and those who have accepted Him as Savior will live with Him forever!  I will be so glad to see Him. That is good news!

When will there be any good news?  There already is!

Diet Coke and Baked Lay’s

Baked laysMy friend Susan (name changed) and I walk together on a regular basis.  She is young enough to be my daughter but I cherish our time together.  We share the things of the Lord and Susan is eager to pick my brain and truly wants to follow God.  When we first began walking together, things were pretty good in Susan’s life.  Then suddenly, the storm began to blow against my friend.  She lost her job and her husband’s income was limited.  She was given a six-month severance and we just knew God would give her another job within that period, but that did not happen.

I have grown to love Susan and she shares much of her life with me.  As they faced financial challenges, Susan began to cut back to the bare necessities.  She is trusting God but also using wisdom in how the family spends money.  In one of our conversations while walking, Susan told me that she had stopped buying Diet Coke and Baked Lay’s potato chips. The money just could not be spared.  I know that seems like a small thing compared to wondering how you will make the house payment and pay the utilities, but it touched my heart.

Susan has been at my group the last two Wednesdays and she was glad when I gave her a Diet Coke as she walked through the door!  Last week we shared with the group, with laughter, how she wasn’t even buying Diet Coke or Baked Lay’s.

While shopping yesterday afternoon,  I saw that Diet Coke was on sale.  Into my heart jumped a desire to buy Susan some Diet Coke and Baked Lay’s.  I was so excited.  I checked out and got home only an hour before people would start arriving for group.  As I unloaded my groceries I was so disappointed – I forgot the Baked Lay’s.  There was no time to go back to the store.  Lord, I so wanted her to know you cared about little things.  You are the God who gives us little surprises!

The group members began to arrive one by one.  One member, Tommye, came in and said, “Hey, I bought Susan some Baked Lay’s.  I wanted her to have her Baked Lay’s!”  My jaw dropped!  Susan walked in and we gave her Diet Coke and Baked Lay’s and she smiled from ear to ear.

I love it when God has big surprises for us, but how sweet when He sends a little surprise along just to let us know He’s thinking about us and hears our cries.  It is truly a miracle that the God of the universe pays attention to our tiny, little lives with His loving care.  To think He took time to speak to two different women to bring something to a group, so He could just say to one of his daughters facing turmoil, “I’ve  been thinking about you and I’ve got a surprise for you!”

It’s not always big and showy, but it is no less a miracle when the God of the universe chooses to show us His kindness.  God has heard your cries, my brothers and sisters.  God is thinking about you and He just might surprise you!

“How precious is your loving kindness, O God!” – Psalm 36:7

Mixed Emotions on Mother’s Day

It’s Mother’s Day weekend and it’s a mixed bag.  I, along with several friends, have lost a child.  I  have one friend who lost two sons, one just a few months ago.  That is tough stuff.    Mixed bagThe loss of Bryan was just last year and it is still so palatable.    In a discussion with friends who have experienced the death of a child, I found that some feel guilty because they think they should be very joyous this weekend, yet they are also battling sorrow.  I say you can feel both!

Sorrow and grief are very heavy emotions.  Joy is a light-hearted emotion.  If you are presently experiencing both and could literally place them on a scale, side by side, sorrow will weigh the joy down.  It does not mean joy is not present but the heaviness weighs on it.    I am feeling that on this Mother’s Day.  Yet, I feel so much joy when it comes to Michael and Stephen and their families.  I feel such joy when it comes to Bryan’s family.   The grandchildren bring a big smile to my face and heart.  Oh how my heart beats for the grandchildren!

I am told by those who have walked this journey longer than I have that it does get better – not that you won’t still miss that child – but it does get better.  Thank God for that hope. Thank God for babies being born and new joys filling our hearts.  Thank God for joy in the midst of sorrow.

I can testify that God renews our strength.  He restores us.   The pain of this day will one day give way to the promise and hope of that which is to come.  The day is coming when tears will flow with joy instead of sadness, and all our questions of “why” will fade away in the presence of the Lord.  We will have a great reunion with those whom we love, who have died knowing the Lord.  Oh glorious day!

Help! I Need Somebody

Help I need somebody

My husband dreads the words, “It’s time to re-do a room!”   I feel it’s a commandment of God that I yearly re-do at least one room in the house, and I surely want to obey God!   After redoing our living room, I had to start looking for a rug to pull all the colors together.  Alas, I found a rug and got it at a great price!   It was the perfect finishing touch!

Recently, our grandson Joseph was spending an afternoon with us.  Once babies get mobile they generally don’t want you to just sit and hold them, so Joseph was roaming the house and I was following.   We put toys on the rug in the living room and Joseph began to play with them.  Then he stopped and made his way to the corner of the rug and began to pick at something. Since I did not want him to put any foreign objects in his mouth, I went over to see what he had found.  Joseph had found the plastic attachment that had originally held the price tag on the rug.  That attachment had been there over a year and I had never seen it.  I quickly removed it!  Joseph and I have a loving, trusting relationship and he helped me to see what I could not see for myself.

I could start pontificating and sermonizing here, but I won’t.  Simply ponder this question:  who do you have in your life that shows you the things you cannot or will not see for yourself?

It was Howard Hendricks, professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, who said, “Every Christian should have three individuals in their life: a Paul, a Barnabas, and a Timothy.”

A Paul is an older person who is willing to mentor you, to help build your life. Not someone who’s smarter or more gifted than you, but somebody who’s been down the road. Somebody willing to share their strengths and weaknesses—everything he/she has learned in the laboratory of life. Somebody whose faith you’ll want to imitate.

A Barnabas is a soul brother, somebody who loves you but is not impressed by you. Somebody to whom you can be accountable. Somebody who’s willing to keep you honest and challenge you in areas you might be neglecting.

A Timothy is a younger person into whose life you are building. For a model, read 1 and 2 Timothy. Here was Paul, the quintessential mentor, building into the life of his protégé —affirming, encouraging, teaching, correcting, directing, praying.

Do you have these three guys in your life?

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17