My husband is a gadget and tool guy. I have joked with him many times that if he died before me, I could sell his tools and travel the world with the proceeds! If you need a drill, we have several. If you need big screwdrivers, little screwdrivers, Phillips head screwdrivers, or flat head screwdrivers, we have them in many sizes! Need a wrench? We have scores from which to choose!
In our garage sits a brand-new power washer that will soon be used for spring cleaning. We have quite a bit of driveway space and patio space that needs a good power wash. It’s not that we went outside and intentionally made it a point to dirty the driveway and the patio. The fact that those spaces are in the world affords the opportunity for things to accumulate on them, and it takes power to make them clean. It takes time for the gunk to accumulate. It happens over a period of time when regular washing does not occur.
Recently in our neighborhood, I noticed a wood fence that was being power washed. The owner of the home did not go out and throw dirt, mold, and mildew on the fence. The fence simply existed in this world, and the filth attached itself to the structure. The owner finally decided one day that it was time to stop neglecting what the atmosphere had done to his fence. Once aimed at the fence, the power washer stripped away years of grime, gunk, mildew, mold, and dirt. The difference was amazing.
Because we live in this world, we can find that the world tries to attach itself to us. We do not live in a bubble. It is so easy for worldly attitudes to seep into our minds, attitudes that do not line up with the Word of God. We are challenged on an almost-daily basis to accept the world’s view instead of the Word’s view.
There have been too many people in the Body of Christ that have allowed the world’s influence to change what they believe. Sadly, many leaders have compromised the truth so they can be acceptable to the world. A pastor and I were discussing a hot-button topic, and he literally said to me, “I know that is what the Bible teaches, but I don’t agree with it.”
God’s word is our final authority. Scripture is the authoritative record that our Holy God has given His people. When I take a good look at my life, I must ask, “Has anything ungodly attached itself to me?”
We all need the “power washing” of the Holy Spirit from time to time. It is not necessarily that we have intentionally decided to walk in the filth of the world. The truth is that we are bombarded by ways that are contrary to God’s ways.
We need the Holy Spirit to power wash us. Like the Psalmist we need to pray, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Holy Spirit, I ask you to power wash me. It will not be easy or painless, but if you ask the Lord to “power wash” your soul, get ready for the gunk to start flying away.