“For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and the Gentile” – Romans 1:16. I stand in total agreement with the Apostle Paul! While there are many who are walking away from the faith, and many who wish to stamp out the influence of Jesus Christ, I am not in that group and never will be.
As I walk around my home, many times during the day, I will say Holy Ghost! Sometimes I say Holy Ghost and fire! Sometimes I say, Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost. My husband has heard me say this thousands of times. One day we had a conversation about why I say it different ways on different days. There is a story behind why I do this.
Life is difficult. Some days are filled with all blessings, and some days we wonder where God is. To walk victoriously, I have learned that I must have the power of the Holy Ghost. John in his gospel said it this way, “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” – John 14:16-17.
I believe in the power that the Holy Ghost gives me to walk this life. During the day, I remind myself that He is present with me by speaking His Name. Holy Ghost hears it, and just as important, I hear it. When I say Holy Ghost, I get His attention.
Gaylon asked why I say fire sometimes and sometimes I speak the Name twice. Here is the answer. Some days life is wonderful, and I still want to remember I need Him, so I say Holy Ghost! Some days, I don’t feel very energetic spiritually and I say Holy Ghost and fire! Holy Ghost, keep me fully lit for God. Some days I say Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost! On those days, something is pressing in on me, and I need a double portion of His power.
I am not just saying words. I am calling on a person who is a member of the Godhead.
As one of God’s children, stay aware that the Holy Ghost is walking with you through the day. Speak His Name. On those days when life is going well, never forget that you still need Him. Holy Ghost! On those days when you feel cold spiritually, tell Him you need your fire back. Holy Ghost and fire! When life is coming at you hard and fast, call upon Him for a double portion. Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost!
What else do I have to say as I write this. I say Holy Ghost. Holy Ghost and fire. Holy Ghost, Holy Ghost. ‘Nuff said!